
NSFW Dog jumped up on me while shirtless, pain ensued.
Be careful when swinging an axe!
Cool wheelie, bro (possibly NSFL)
The result of fighting while wearing braces (x-post from /r/CringeAnarchy)
Splitting "toe-ache"
Soviet diver hits his head on the plank in the 1980 Olympics
Soccer player gets injured, keeps walking with bone sticking out of his leg
Don't walk barefoot around broken glass
Ill just play real life fruit ninja
Do no worry, I got this!
Opened a door that grazed the top my big toe.
Maybe just wait for the green...
Pulled this out of my elbow
Mouth piercing
Hook, line, and sinker...
Woman climbs over barrier at Zoo. JAGUAR MAKES HER PAY
Burst a varicocele. Feels good man.
Spotters are important
man falls on metal beam
I sliced off the tip of my pinky finger preparing dinner two nights ago.
Coworker with headphones in was carrying a heavy box and slammed into me while I
Acting cool over a rail, WCGW
[Nsfw] Saw 1, Finger 0.
Don't underestimate the bread knife and a loaf of crusty sourdough
Don't put broken glass in plastic trash bags.
Was wearing flip-flops when I rolled an outdoor trash can over my foot and ripped
Six-year-old Bridger saved his little sister’s life by jumping in front of a charging
Dropped a marble platter on my bare toe about a month ago.
[NSFW] Blood blister and regular blister I worked up on my daily run today.
Got stung on the baby maker by a honey bee
Hedge trimmers vs fingers.
Yeah, this hurt pretty badly [nsfw]
NSFW - Friend of a friend was cutting flooring with a stanley knife and slipped.
Sliced off a piece of my thumb on a mandolin
(NSFW) Got my finger caught in a rebar bender right at the end of my shift
To the bone. On my first day of vacation. Very mild nsfw
Slicing my knuckle on a ceramic pot. 5 Stitches. Bonus video inside.
Turned my clementine into a blood orange (nsfw)
Guess what happened to my balls
Well.. here go my balls
Guess what happened to my balls
Swollen scrotum after not wearing a cup for hockey
[NSFW] From the UFC card tonight...ouch.
Can vs Foot
[NSFW] Buddy of mine had a nail gun mishap
Never go commando