
What taking shrooms makes you feel like (x/post from r/wtf)
Just finished, the goddess of the dead. (xpost /r/norse)
[possible trigger warning] Saw this, and it reminded me of something... (x-post from
Every Inclination of the Human Heart by Noah Bradley
All modibhakt
Kiss Me (X-post from FifthWorldPics)
IDAP of this thing.
Origins - personal project - possibly NSFW
I've been making these wacky drawings for a few years now. What does reddit think?
Crosspost from /r/Heavymind. Relevant here as well. Titled "Media". [auto-x-post
"Astaroth", Digital [NSFW]
The Pain of Child Birth (oc)
Wedding Night by Chang Yuan
Deshaping of the Essence
What lies behind the pixels
Giant Town (OC)
The Anatomy Of Dance by San Metallurg
Goliath, 46" x 12" oil on canvas
This image made me immediately think of this subreddit [NSFW]
My latest sketchbook. Goddess, 2014-2015.
all your fault
updoot mr. skeltal for ample calcium donation
Kaleidoscope, Photoshop
Small ink drawing - nsfw
Indifference, Pencil on paper, 35/50 cm
Reclining woman with black hole, graphite, a5
Inward movement, Graphite, A5
Revelations, digital, 5687x7455
The Cost Of A Body, acrylic on canvas, 24" x 20"
Fertility Beacon, ink on canvas, 8x12in (slightly NSFW)
Grasping-Hand Swarm
'Love, Loss, Other', Watercolour, Ink & Gold Paint, 12x16"
'This Infernal Machine'
'Seeds of Memory, Seeds of Regret', Watercolour & Ink, 12x16"
"Surreal Thematic Apperception Test", Graphite, 11" x 14"
The Hand That made the Mountains (Artwork) - from the series "Refractions of
Hush, 12x9, watercolor and gouache
Fall of an Angel
i was checking out r/heavymind and found this.... it just hit me too hard not to
We're All In This Together, Brian O'Neill, composite photography, 2020
colagem de autorretratos em pintura de luz (light painting self portraits collage)
Truth In Distortion
"Out of all the times you could've come..." Painfully done by mouse