
I told those bitches not to confiscate my trumpet. [NSFW]
A little girl protected by the embrace of her dead father was the last survivor pulled
A delicate knee surgery.
This guy bunshee-jumps with hooks in his skin...
1961: Dr. Leonid Rogozov was the only doctor stationed at a Soviet Antarctic station
Diver's quick reflexes save him from shark [gifv] (NSFW- death of the shark)
A Sky Burial: human bodies are left to the elements and to be devoured by scavengers.
Wolf researcher dines on deer carcass [NSFW]
Man with hammerhead shark [NSFW]
Leonid Rogozov cutting out his own appendix - 30th April 1961.
This athlete with celebral palsy deadlifted 200lb at 99lb
One man saved a girl from 40 rapist on a train using only a khukuri knife
Look both sides before crossing the road!
[NSFL] Man saves himself while nearly being electrocuted - Graphic
I cut the tip of my pinky off a little while back. Here are progress healing pics
My Grandfather was complaining of having a “rough cough”. Doctor just drained
Baby in an amniotic sack
CPR machine being used in a real situation in Italy
Emmett Till’s Mother insisted in an open casket so we could see the results of
Saving lives
Woman got her head cracked open by a "less lethal" round after handing
Six-year-old Bridger saved his little sister’s life by jumping in front of a charging
A Teachable Moment: Benny Paret vs Emile Griffith 3 (GRAPHIC)
History of Mankind by Milo Manara
Catching Your Newborn Baby
My nephew (19M) was shot 4 times in the face & one in his abdomen on May