
In the comments of a discussion between Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Richard Dawkins.
/r/gonewild post title
Yea, that's exactly what it's like. [NSFW]
Reddit Doctor has your presciption
3deep5me [NSFW-ish]
On discussing a certain word...
spooked by bony dog man
She bleeds each month to help make humankind a possibility.
'Scientific Knowledge really is more important than a sluts dignity."
Found on Tinder
"I'm a neoclassical liberal and idealist..." Are ya?
"To paraphrase Churchill..."
"Given your fantastically generous endowment..."
Absolutely hilarious.
Sometimes I wish I was stupider
Verysmart Redditor teaches anatomy on NSFW sub
We shouldn't objectify women on a porn forum
[x-post from /r/MMA] "Angela Hill (Female Fighter) destroys neckbeard"
This very smart rapper bombed my timeline atomically
"Sad but true." Found on /r/truecels. (NSFW
Harvard graduate on Big Pharma and smoking
9gaggers are so smart that they're misunderstood
Tired of this, especially when people only relate to the smart guy.
[NSFW Text] This guy was getting downvoted to oblivion in AskReddit, so I dug a bit
A legal genius with no sexuality
Physics tests make me orgasm
Maybe NSFW but I think it belongs here
Not even porn is safe
Showing us more than just what's in his head
Apple user thinks he is "high class"
Found on Twitter. I don’t know where to begin
A grammarian found on biggerthanyouthought
Because smart like boobs too.
Creep Opens up a Thesaurus
“Good Humored” Intellectual Only Laughs At Superior Witty High Brow Jokes
In a NSFW sub. I do t think he really gets how they work.
Younger girls (18-24) cant hold a conversation so they shouldn't be allowed to be
This is a lot to unpack. I've gotta post in r/badwomensanatomy, r/justneckbeardthings,
INTJ group chat (IQ>160 only)
This guy attacked me for my 'poor English skills'. Little did he know I'm a linguist
I was watching a really good video but all I could think about was the equation on
"No one will complain about me if I complain about someone else first. People
A quite witty retort to the hackneyed phrase, "You must be fun at parties."
Having a good PC makes you a genius and stud.
Imagine being so angry about people commenting on a meme