
Dun nu nu nu nu Bat Penis!
"Snow... Porn" NSFW maybe?
(x-post from r/wtf)
A Real Murican Printing Press [x-post /r/MURICA]
He ain't no ho! (x-post from /r/wtf)
Found this in r/wtf ... I think it belongs here instead :)
Crosspost from /r/WTF
Design flaw or a reason to go back to college? X-Post from R/WTF
Guy pulls out his cock in bathroom (gif) [NSFW] | Girl gives you a view of her pussy
[50/50] GIF of lady popping eye ball out [NSFW] | GIF of lady popping boobs out [NSFW]
Seems somewhat strange
x-post from WTF
mother of a 9 year old and 9 month old
Drake the rapper at one of his parties
Found this in my friends art studio (x-post from r/WTF)
Bagpipes made from a man, including the entire head.
Extreme Sex Outdoor
Apparently somebody thought this was r/wtf worthy, I just think it's beautiful (X-post
from r/wtf , those fools don't know nothing
Front Page of an Australian college news paper. Your Labia ARE! normal. (NSFW!!)
OP's shampoo
Saw the header. Am I doing this right?
The Book of Mormon Missionary Positions (NSFW) – Happy General Conference everybody!
(Xpost from /r/im14andthisiswtf) LOU MENARDIE CONFIRMED VIA SNAPCHAT!!!!!! NSFL!!!!!
(Slightly NSFW) I was cleaning my room and found a sock that looked like a dick
Scary Animal Zombie Mask [NSFW]