Interesting Shit

Too cute
Made me lol
hấp dẫn
The more you know ?
I feel bad for lol’ing
Pretty cool
Dark flame
Big assed pig
Like a boss
Kinda trippy
Sex dolls are getting crazy
Oof 1000
Water spout
Cute gif
This is great
Didn’t know this species existed
Alien inspiration?
Little guy doesn’t know how to bird yet
Sorry guys. There’s been fuck all for good material today. Here’s a consolation
Oof. I felt that.
This dog hurts my brain
I’d be terrified a piece would break off and fly into my eye...still pretty neat
Nautilus feeding time
Most metal game system ever
I wonder how far it ran from and how hot it has to be to risk exhaustion for that
Star Wars Puntastic
Visual on how breast plates worked against arrows
Survival 101: animals know things
Who’s on first visual layout
US state name origins
This disturbs me on a subconscious primal level.
Cork shockwave
Types of pasta
They do look like little trilobites
How manatee mouths work
Flower talk
Learn your poles
Leaf characteristics
Exploded style display of a Model T
Made me laugh. Thought y’all might enjoy too
The Meaning of 52 Car Dashboard Indicators
Collide of vortex rings
How tower crane is assembled from start to finish
Giant Cecropia Silk Moth
How to make an igloo
The clearest image of Mars ever taken... The large scar you see in the photo around
Entire preserved shark vascular system
Underwater explosion
Lightning hitting a mountainside.
The real life personification of Columbia (America’s female counterpart).
Drones for water
Falcon 9 Stage One: Under the Skin
Space junk removal: shooting a net from a spaceship
? Barchan moving dunes in Wadi Hazar. They can grow to a metre in height within just