
Ancient Roman coins were pretty much the Kama Sutra for dummies.
Beautiful Brain Surgery
My cousin lives in New England. He spent some time in his parents' outdoor hot tub.
A steam-powered vibrator from the 1860s (NSFW)
Filling Lungs with Air (x-post /r/oddlysatisfying)
Quick work. (x-post /r/WTF)
Fascinating X-Rays of the human body
Blind artist George Redhawk creates eerily captivating art
Artist John Poppleton uses fluorescent chemical to paint landscapes on models and
This 8 inch eye worm is probably the longest ever taken out of the human eye.
Swallowing rock
ISIS soldier using a shopping cart to balance an anti-tank gun
I can't see the forest for the fucking trees.
A Japanese full body suit tattoo.
Tropical Frog Illusion: There are five people in this image NSFW
Accidentally nail gunned my finger at work today and it looks like a Halloween prop
Gravity and boobs
Chemical Burn Time-Lapse
A human body that donated it's arteries for science.
Close-up picture of a human brain
Sticky bra
Cracked Light Sculpture
Tummy Talent.
Biomedical Prosthetics
Newborn delivered inside an intact amniotic sac
Crevasse in Antartica (with people in it for scale), 1972
Kidney Stones
Hellraiser photoshoot
My Halloween (costume)
This book claims to know the cities with the most tops (which is why I'm reading
Die Geburt von Venus
Maybe maybe maybe
Thirsty fountain in Bologna, Italy
All "bent out of shape" HA!
Macular Hole Surgery (eye surgery)
The Everstorm approaches
On and off NSFW
Burial of a woman at Teotihuacan with a jadeite tooth that was cemented or attached
My friend's cousin sprayed a fly and eggs started coming out.