
Hahaha this is on the front page (xpost from /r/funny)
Winning over m'ladies with my body and mind
Gentlesir proudly displays his exquisite taste in pony erotica.
[NSFW : Penis] M'lady
M'Brondage (NSFW)
M'Waifu will become m'reality!
Wonder if it's the diaper guy, or are all bronies this disgusting? [NSFW] potentially
Telling a cam model who posts her pussy on twitter that you can honor her unconditionally
A true gentlesir always follows his waifu's orders [NSFW/L]
Copying M'Waifu
This valentines day [X/post r/JustNeckBeardThings]
M' little nightmare!
Scatological pony porn - we have officially reached the nadir of humanity. NSFL
A Gentlesir Can But Dream
If M'lady was up for auction I would purchase her
"I never drink beer but when I do..." (Facebook find)
M'Orgy. (NSFL!)
"Given your fantastically generous endowment..."
Absolutely hilarious.
MRW Normies Insult M'Waifu
What do they say
Anon on sex vs jacking off
Shopping with m'lady.
Be this guy
Defending his favorite erotic m'odel against her haters
My wifu
[NSFW] Neckbeard dream IRL
Please never procreate
This came up on a submission on r/nsfw yesterday
This is what they unironically believe.
[NSFW]I don't kinkshame, BUT... I can't even.
Just browsing r/PetiteGoneWild so I can inform the ladies that I don't approve of
Guy has a depressing moment of self awareness while browsing a NSFW sub
Everyday we stray further from God's light
Girlfriend ran across this car while canvassing
Just Go Ahead and Fill ‘Er Up
...M’lady [NSFW]
an alphas life
Japan at it's finest.
"Welcome to my domain, M'lady. Please, take a seat."
And at this moment, I am euphoric, not because of any phony god's blessing, but because
Good job South Korea
God is dead and we killed him (NSFW text)
Does it fit here? Or too extreme?
This is a lot to unpack. I've gotta post in r/badwomensanatomy, r/justneckbeardthings,
Caught in the wild