
Melee attack
Unexploded ordnance
Rules of engagement? What is this?
Studying together
Shining deck
Short on supplies
Big 7
Brushing teeth
Always late
Laying down cozied up
Getting in
Testing your self-control
Sweater pull
The dinner is ready
Shimakaze Posing
Cheek pinch
Gorgeous aft
Remove wet clothes
That's a big flag.
"How do you like it?"
Your Christmas gifts
"I have to make sure..."
Good Morning!
CD cover.
Are you sure you won't need them?..
Back from her first sortie
Simulated damage
Kongou will be commanding in the bedroom!
Yuudachi just got promoted to my favorite ship.
Throwin' money!
"You can't use your hands."
Go Admiral, Go!
"Wanna play Katori?"
A rare shot
Ooyodo, please fix your skirt.
Haruna and her dazzle
Carriers are Huge
Who doesn't love maid outfits?
The beach is the perfect place for an idol
Be careful around the head
Opportunistic Cooking Batter
Not a sub
Convenient Autumn Wind
Abyssal Beach Day
Searching for Something
Hahaha, what a washboard, LOL
Graf rewarding Teitoku for his hard work
Getting Awfully Close
Forgot her skirt
Halloween Houston
Drunk Santa Nelson
"Here's your Valentines Admiral!"
Akitsu Mooru