
I think I'm reading that right
She doesn't want to share
Hard to shop for
Her pleasure is my pleasure
Doctor's Help Part 1
Caught in her web
[Week 9] Resolute
When she promises she's not doing it to tease you.
Goddesses needs pets just as much as pets needs Goddesses
Did everyone manage to hit their work targets this quarter? ?
Every relationship has those little rituals
Your Goddess demands a sacrifice
Can you hold your breath long enough to earn it?
I told you it would work
You guys are my friends, right??
Extended sentence
She takes charge pt4
She takes charge pt7
Submissive School
The closest I'll ever get to an abusive caption.
Chastity fairy
Chastity Barracks Guard
How many times will she suggest a few more weeks?
"No, silly!"
She knows about shrinkage.
Time for work babe!
Better help her out, unless you like big numbers.
Girls, girls, girls
Talking behind your back.
Perfect first date.
Cruel Ex
She found out what the key is for...
No scandal
It's fun, trust me ?
Let's see how long you can make it ?