
It was suggested that I post this here. My chubby cat Heidi cuddling with me
My two most favorites.
My friend took a picture while Tubby and I were sleeping...
Just me, letting my snake hang out ;)
Morning snuggles between a tiny kitten and a sleepy man :)
I raise you your puppies and kittens, and call with my Mallard duckling swimming
[x-post r/pics] Man shares ice cream with duck
She never lets me be little spoon :(
My dogs first time at the beach. She was a bit scared of the waves
Caribbean cuddler!
My two cuties :)
I swooned a little when this popped up on the box of faces
I was told this belongs here (x post from dogpictures)
They both make it quite difficult to get out of bed in the morning.
Found two dogs near Northloop and Duval. Free to a good home! (x-post from /r/Austin)
My Furry Fellas
Care to join my pup and I?
Me and Kitty
I was advised to submit here.
A German soldier and his dog
I was told this group might like Niles snuggling with my beard (x-post from r/catpictures)
We were both exhausted after a long day.
[NSFW] Cuddles with these boys is the highlight of my day
Throw it! Throw it!
Shirtless and kittycuddles-.gif (NSFW)
Scott Foley & a Frenchie puppy for Charisma.
I miss when they are puppies.
Baron likes to make sure I'm always near by.
Boyfriend was napping with my roommate's cat...
Snuggled up on the floor. (Shirtless; possibly NSFW)
Mopping the floor and rapping with my beloved cat Randy (RIP)
Nap time with the kitty!
Best buddies in B&W
A day out at the beach
That's the most gorgeous puppy I've ever seen
Guarding the sleep of his friend
All dogs should have an emotional support human.
A day out
He's the best workout buddy in the world!
Low resolution, but high quality
Quiet afternoon at home
They're actually a matching set
Curiosity killed the cat. Fortunately, this is not a cat.
Mischief makers
Goodnight kisses
I want to be that dog
Only six months to go for summer!
The good shepherd, modern version
You've gotta stay warm, bro!
The blessing
When one shoulder is not enough for a shoulder cat
Shoulder dogs are underrated
At attention
The sun is back!
Partners on mischief