
Gamers right now
Two of the Dimitrescu's Castle Ladies (ThatBellaKid, Kayla Erin)
"It's indescribably beautiful!"
Lady Dimitrescu when she finds out that no one is actually scared of her.
Alcina Dimitrescu cosplay (Rhiwen)
Alcina Dimitrescu - the sharp fingers and softness (MonoriRogue)
Dimitrescu's Daughter (MonoriRogue)
Lady Dimitrescu and Daughters (Sairam GTZ)
Cosplay by Helly Valentine
Proper ending for men of culture (take notes, capcom, take notes!)
Alcina Dimitrescu - Chris sacrifice (TSM)
Alcina Dimitrescu - smoke and dagger (kawacy, 河CY)
Looking for something?
Lady Dumitrescu by me (@avaisempai)
Lady Dimitrescu and Lust are both voiced by a cute 17-year-old!
Lady Dimitrescu has a well defined regal style (Max Domikov)
A reminder that Lady Dimitrescu is even BIGGER than Nemesis (Ztaroth)
Lady Dimitrescu's Daughter wants your blood (Moidukdum)
This has probably been posted but this is me in the subreddit
Lady Dimitrescu (Kalinka Fox)
Lady Dimitrescu delicious figure (SteffyDoodles)
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu steps on you (Candy)
Lady Dimitrescu's battle damaged dress, it was her favorite one (Vales Art)
why is everyone so mean 2 me (Vales art)
Lady Dimitrescu - Oh where could that little man be now? (DangerousBride)
You vs Lady Dimitrescu (art by me)
Life, uh, finds a way
Dead by Daylight collab with Village? (BearyWobbly)
Capcom Sponsored Cosplay by Yaya Han
This subreddit in a nutshell.
Lady Dimitrescu from the Castle Demo photomode
Lady Dimitrescu in her see through bedgown (AnnaSassiArt)
RE Village speed run pregnant %
LAdy Dimitrescu in a white corset (Angie Griffin)
LADY DIMITRESCU ~ 80s Anime Style (bluethebone)
Lady Dimitrescu cosplay (DelightDaniTv)
Lady Dimitrescu whishes you a good day one on RE8 [OC]
Lady Dimitrescu drawn by Takasugi Kou
RESIDENT EVIL VILLAGE ~ Lady Alcina Dimitrescu (DarkOverlord1296)
Lady Dimitrescu Sketch
When she catches up with you...
Lady Dimitrescu bending her knees to fit through the door (IRN)
You can't tell me Namio Harukawa's work hasn't been used as inspiration
Donna No | Donna YES! (fuhajins)
Lady Rosalina Dimitrescu (jivke)
Lady dimitrescu
Official Lady Dimitrescu 1:8 scale Figurine by Capcom and Gecco
Oh, be careful what you wish for, Ethan Winters (Artist NicoDarkArt)
Well well... Ethan Winters
Lady Atlantrescu (kael)
Lady Dimitrescu can be really crabby sometimes...
Why would you cover her mouth though,i do not understand...such a sexy voice...
Time for a payback... (Lady Dimitrescu/Alcina Dimitrescu)
I would not be running away from her...she would've been running away from me...in
Poor (Lucky) Jill... (Alcina Dimitrescu/Lady Dimitrescu and Jill Valentine)
Would you run away from her now?-I don't think i would... (Alcina Dimitrescu/Lady
Ethan... dinner is ready.