
I laughed. I cried. I giggled. I shouted so loud my voice hurts. He's back :,)
SUPERIOR SPIDERMAN spoiler, my sides, i cant even... holy crap.
My favorite part of Superior Spider-Man #31 [SPOILERS]
We went for sushi. This was our sake bottle. Apparently, our server drew it herself.
Professor X hits Star-Lord in the face with a keyboard
Baby Groot
"And his eye."
Finally read the civil war arc, I like this moment.
I painted Groot
My daughter woke me up this morning with this present.
The Cast of Guardians of the Galaxy Minus CGI or Makeup
This is some of the worst writing I've ever seen. WTF happened to this book? (Thunderbolts
So that's how Logan imagines it [Death of Wolverine #3]
[Uncanny X-Men 18] If only Cyclops had this advice all those years ago
They sure know their fans [Amazing Spider-Man #009]
I AM VENOM! (SPOILERS: Guardians of the Galaxy #21)
So today I made what I think will be Vision's big entrance in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Kingpin is a true supporter of the arts
1st Look at Sophie Turner as "Jean Grey"
All I could think about Hawkeye during AoU [Spoilers]
[SPOILERS](Deadpools Secret Secret Wars #2) Seems... familiar
Is this a Secret Wars hint (Fantastic Four #574)
I think we can all agree
If the MCU was actually loyal to the aesthetics of the books [NSFW]
Colossus VS Colossus
What's then name of this comic? (possibly superior spiderman spoiler)
Black Panther doesn't mess around
Benedict Cumberbatch on the set of Doctor Strange today in Patan, Nepal NSFW
[SPOILER] Secret Wars #7 shows how chipper and positive Star-Lord can be
[SPOILER] Leaked footage of Cap on the run from a police officer in Civil War
[SPOILERS] Can we just appreciate this amazing page? (Secret Wars #9)
[SPOILERS] Nerdist released Deadpool review ahead of embargo by accident. I screencapped
Olivia Munn in Psylocke costume (rear view)
Tony Stark's watch
I've got some 'exclusive' images for you Mr. Jameson
New look at a certain someone's new get-up.
"Hey, everyone" [OFFICIAL]
Ant-Man and Hawkeye, doing the thing
Official High-Quality close up of Spider-Man from new CW trailer
Spider-Man Costumes
Black Panther Though
Well, does she?
(SPOILERS) Caught this screenshot from a Civil War trailer, haven't seen this pointed
Out of all the amazing feats the Cap has performed, this is now the most memorable.
Civil war dump
Civil Wars
Iron Man 4 Poster [SPOILERS]
[CIVIL WAR SPOILER] Convincing Peter
Possibly one of the most shock-awesome moments in comics in Daredevil v5 #8
[Spoilers] Behind the scenes in Civil War
A very polite villain
Dr. Doom vs Thanos. [Secret Wars #8]
War Machine throughout the movies.
One of my favorite shots from Civil War
Bruce Banner's favorite game[Totally Awesome Hulk #8]
The life of a Hawkeye [Hawkeye #1]