
I need a doctors help PLEASE! I'm in pain and don't know what this is. I have an
Can someone take a look at this? maybe nsfw
Jock Itch or Herpes? (NSFW: side-scrotum)
[NSFW] White spot on penis head, amputation neccesary? (description in comments)
Anyone know what this looks like? (More info in comments)
NSFW!! I've had these white puss/fluid sacs on the underside of my penis off and
So this is what my penis looks like, should I be concerned? Story in comments.
Small white bumps on my testicles
Can somebody please tell me what this is NSFW
Rash under left breast. Hurts when scratched. Always feels "sweaty" NSFW
NSFW - Growths on penis, STI?
Rash (Story in comments)
Should I be worried about this? [nsfw]
Does anyone know what this is? I got it from a swimming pool 2 years ago. Probably
HELP!, strange rash/redness on inner thigh, information in comments
I don't know what's wrong with my testicle. Advice from anyone would be appreciated.
Growth on my scrotum. Anyone here know what it is?
NSFW- can someone tell me if these hemorrhoids are bad enough to need to see a doctor?
Is the right place? Check this bump out
Bumps on genital area nsfw
Bump on penis
Growth near my anus. [NSFW]
(Nsfw). I have had a rash on my genital area for about a week now. It doesn't itch
Ruptured vein in penis? (NSFW)
Penis looks like it's dying?
Spilled scolding hot water on my crotch and it burned the tip of my penis. Need advice
Why do I do this..? Help :(
anybody have any idea what this is? its near my b-hole
[graphic] skin like clot during period, hurt like hell coming out. What would cause
Itchy bumps appearing/disappearing/reappearing around underwear waistband/contact
Hi, could you help me identify this bumps/spots? Is this a symptom of a STD/STI or
Any idea what this is hanging out of my poop??
Strange lesions on tongue that my doctor has been unable to diagnose after two visits.
Can anyone identify what this is??? More in comments
What could this be? More info in comments
Some (bubbles?) under my skin (pinky finger). Popped one, transparent liquid came
I believe I have ring worm. Was irritating for about 6 months now it shows circles,
Does this need stitches
[NSFW] Post wisdom teeth removal- Is this a dry socket?
Vagina has looked weird for years but now bumps are appearing
Is this normal?
My hemorrhoid came off or at least I think so. Is this good or bad?
NSFW 19m with a dry scaly patch of skin on my testicles. Doesn't really itch, but
bump on a scrotum, 3mm long, any ideas?
Woke up to this, does anyone have any idea what it is? Possibly NSFW
Horizontal slam from door, toenail not lose (i think), happened 15min ago, lost insurance
Wound care advice. I change the dressing once a day is a una boot...xeroform,zinc
Sometimes after after the gym this comes out when I pee - should I be worried?