
My fathers take on me being a widower
Eddie Murphys daughter Shayne modeling.
MRW the last two weeks of the semester snuck up on me
NSFW - My boss to me everyday
I want a hot and gooey center.
Get yourself a girl like her
Nutting but air.
God Dammit katie
The glory of rome is forever !
Vaseline (nsfw)
Ye be questin' upon the poopdeck
Destruction level 10000
Can't wait for the Detective Pikachu movie
Had to do it
It’s “Tickle my insides Elmo” the new toy for your children this holiday season
Build it.. they will cum
TED Talks
If this aint relatable i dont know what is
It’s the little things
Desperate times call for desperate measures
we don't want your secret
Quacks for nothing
Magic shrooms
good evening
Brutal murder of a child. [NSFW]
Get to bed
And it don’t
The horror
It do be like that sometimes
Bum fun
Not again!!!
I'm the bad guy...
Excuse me, its called Blackanese...
Some sacrifices have to be made.
If we did it we're legends
Possibly NSFW, possibly NSFDW
My girlfriend asked me to decorate her cookie
We ought to help them in this difficult times
You couldn't handle me.
Had me in the first half, then the second half.
I know where my focus is this year!
A simple guide [NSFW]
What the actual fuck
Give the face back
Mmm. Tiddies
May the Lord bless us
New year, new country! (NSFW)
True Story
When you really satisfy her.
This is the kind of parody I can get behind
horny jail time
Replace one word in a line from a movie with penis (not sure if this one has been
Moms always inconveniencing me.
I write sins not tragedies
The disco is panicking
It's really all in the phrasing.
3 stages of growing up
At least we’re having fun