
Hellhammer - Apocalyptic Raids [1000x1000]
Dark Serpent - M.K.C. [700x700]
Lord Gore - Resickened [1024x1024]
Tankard - The Beauty and the Beer [1370x1376] [NSFW]
ingested - surpassing the boundaries of human suffering [1459 x 1483]
Cradle of Filth - The Principle of Evil Made Flesh [1417x1417]
Toxic Holocaust - Evil Never Dies [600 x 594]
Metal Essentials [700x700]
Autopsy-Severed Survival (original uncensored brutal version) [1440 x 1440]
Drowning in Phemaldehyde - Blistering Corpse Abortion raw album cover image, by Mark
Eyehategod - Take as Needed for Pain (1992) [1100 x 1100]
Throne Of Disgust - Grimace by Nev [620x622]
Coffins - The Other Side of Blasphemy [1024 x 1024]
Carcass - Reek of Putrefaction [3668 x 3668]
Cattle Decapitation - Humanure [951 x 923]
Whitesnake: Love Hunter [1027 x 1050]
Antichrist - Sacrament of Blood [2533x2540]
Big End Bolt - Mechanical Race Creation [1799 x 1799]
Corrupt Moral Altar - Mechanical Tides [1000x1000]
Lifelover - Pulver [1600x1599]
Sea Bastard - Scabrous [4200x4200]
Svartidauði - The Synthesis of Whore and Beast [800x1265] [NSFW]
Carcass - Reek of Putrefaction [NSFW] [1600x1444]
Lord Mantis - Death Mask [1671x1477] [NSFW]
Unaussprechlichen Kulten - Baphomet Pan Shub-Niggurath [1600x1600] [NSFW]
Acrimonious - Sunyata [NSFW] [1000x1000]
Gnaw Their Tongues - For All Slaves... a Song of False Hope [NSFW] [1134X1136]
Sedna - Self-Titled [960x960]
Fondlecorpse - Limbless [1172 × 1200]
Samsara Blues Experiment - Long Distance Trip [NSFW] [1200x1200]
Pagan's Mind - God's Equation [622x623]
Gnaw Their Tongues - Eschatological Scatology [1200x1200]
Awe, Vacantfield, & End - Moerae [1031x1031]
Benighted - Carnivore Sublime [NSFW] [1500x1500]
Joey DeMaio of Manowar water-skiiing behind a boat filled with 90's bikini babes
Opera IX - Strix: Maledictae In Aeternam [3632x3757]
Keel - Lay Down The Law [1499x1500]
Mindly Rotten - The Most Exquisite Agonies [2400x2427]
Indecent Excision - Deification of the Grotesque [1200x1200]
HCOTC - Welcome To Unholy Rape Dungeon [1890X1890]
The Lion's Daughter - Existence is Horror [1024x1024]
Rahu - The Quest for the Vajra of Shadows [780x780]
Imperial Circus Dead Decadence - 狂おしく咲いた凄惨な骸は奏で、愛おしく裂いた少女は聖餐の詞を謳う
Antropomorphia - Sermon ov Wrath [1200x1200]
Weregoat - Pestilential Rites of Infernal Fornication
Waking The Cadaver [1200 x 1200]
Pink Mass - Necrosexual [1500x1505]
Obsolete Incarnation - New Breed of an Uncarable Disease [1200 x 1200]
Carnivorous Voracity - The Impious Doctrine [1200 x 1200]
Visceral Disorder - Dead Body Party [1200 x 1200]
Suffer In Rot - .​.​.​Ever Tried Kill? [1200 x 1200]
Coffins - The Other Side of Blasphemy [1200x1200]
Gutter Meat Clitter - Rebellion of Sick Reptiles [1200 x 1200]
Riotor - Rusted Throne [1446x1446]
Gravehill - The Unchaste, the Profane, & the Wicked [1400x1400]
Baise Ma Hache - F.E.R.T [1200x1117]
Astyanax - Embalmed With Afterbirth [1200x1200]
Inferno / Devathorn - Zos Vel Thagirion [1200x1200]
Akrotheism - Law of Seven Deaths [1200x1189]
Heresy - Blasphēmia (2018)