
Inner Beauty
Insect girl caught mid transformation
Melting from pleasure
A very hungry slime
Ballgown Mimic by Bashko
Tentacle monster girl
You can't hide beauty with a mask
Girl turned into a scylla
Scary girl on the outside, beautiful eldritch monster on the inside... or something
One thing she won't tell you is "Hey, my eyes are up here".
Revealing her tentacles
Mandibles make for such an exotic kissing experience
Good morning, Dave. I love you, Dave.
Her name is Calne Ca
Demon girl transformation
Cow girl transformation
Another interesting design
Another adorable smile OwO
Squid transformation
Octomaid by kirbychu555
How to detect a slime girl
Remember Sailor Moon? This is her now. Feel old yet?
Y'all remember Van Helsing?
How to make kids-friendly art according to the author: 1) Sensor genitalia where
Her name is Krakin
Shapeshifting tentacles
Is it too much to ask for a gf who would touch your hand with her tentacles as you
This elf is an impostor
She wants to kiss you with her tentacles
Chimera transformation
Woman turned into a martian
That sushi feeling by blackshirtboy
Girl with a tentacle arm #2
I will proceed to take pleasure in comforting this fish
What Hiruko likes to do with her tentacles
Secret effect of holstaur milk?
Melting during sex (Full in comments)
Another lamia transformation. I hope she volunteered for the experiment and got exactly
The hell do you mean "no swimming"?
We need to find the pawn shop she bought those wall things from
If my wife is enlisted by Davy Jones and looks like this, I'll wait the ten years.
May I Take Your Order - pretty neat game about a date with an eldritch being in human
New great comic with a tentacle girl transformation!
New Hiruko art
Your best friend became an arachne. Your actions?
Slime transforming into a lamia! This has 136 pages, lots of great stuff, link to
Another tentacle girl transformation comic
Beautiful transformation
Spider girl transformation
Piper by Crunchy Banana
She is based on the Alien Mother from Yu-Gi-Oh
Turning into a frog
This plant girl comic finally got translated (link in comments)
Kristina the Reborn