
For flag I die
It's over Chris Pratt
Only way to game the system
This dad was really pleased by the kindness a wholesome stranger showed his baby
Felt the same way about Incredibles 2
How dare you?
Experimental Weapons being used on D-Day (1944)
Take notes fellas
It reminds me that its not so bad
The ultimate barrier
My wife's first meme, she must be very proud.
Solid format, but should I invest?
Downvoting a Repost on the Front Page - Expectation vs Reality
Don’t try it.
ain't taking shit from you cats anymore
You ain't the only nut that's tryna bust
I, for one, think this is blasphemy
Gymbro breakup
Make sure to pick a ripe one
Saddam Hussein hides from incoming US forces (2003)
Never ending cycles always pay out. Invest!
Outrage culture gang
I saw an unvaccinated child crying, he was having a midlife crisis
Runescape memes?
The last picture of John Lennon before his assassination (1980
Rise of the Fourth Reich (early 2019)
Versatility at it’s finest. Invest Invest Invest!
I said can I get a Amen
He was able to save others from death but not really
Colossians 2:6
Invest in fresh Aladdin memes!
Oh poor Jamal...
False, I don’t want to be in any of these places at 8am
If you look at it from a certain point of view, I can't disagree...
cold take
Invest in this forbidden gem Aladdin template now!! Stratton Oakmont approved!!
King Louie XVI Execution (1793)
A brief history of Christianity
Dishonest work
Good job guys!
Someone's in deep trouble
Get your life together
Chapter 4: Checks and Balances
Stalin eliminating his opposers (c. 1950)
Taking steroids since birth
This man gets it
I’m always here for you
It do be like that
We will find you once we reach Mars! And we will honor you!
Jesus, trying to explain his fate to the disciples
Theresa May trying to perform a Brexit (2019)
Nice try
Farenheit, more like... FARTYheit
No regrets.
Better start praying to Mother Nature
You know..