
I feel like I haven't posted a .gif in awhile...
I discovered background defocus the other day. That's been fun.
[M] First Time, Be Gentle
Look what [m]y knife did!
S[M]all towns suck for dating on OKCupid
The first time a reported image has made me laugh out loud. Should I refer him to
A year ago I posted here and was told to "get fit" and stop being skinnyfat.
I'[M] going for classy
[F]reshly shaved.
Hi again. Sorry my pictures suck now.
[M]y gay experience with [m]y pal Kirby.
Go Ho[M]e, Get [D]ow[N]
x[m]as ttys
[m]y handstand practice
I can't believe some people think it's acceptable to say stuff like this