
I'm feeling pretty judged right now
Right off the fingah
everyone's dream job
***PORNO*** Well, sense I wuz asked to have the score of the day....this makes for
Bth Porn
Ski-Mask Time. 30 bundles-New Coming-Stamp
Anyone else down for some South Park?
Got this little treat from scraping leftover bags
Half nodding, half drunk in this random ass antique store by the beach and Found
The dark lord Cthulhu bids thee a deep nod to the nether realms
went shopping today...
I was out of pills, then I found this! Happy Easter!!!
Growing the Beard (dp)
Me when the gf is scratching my back while I'm trying to post on reddit (whilst high,
Our Sunday Funday
Like the weight's gone off my shoulders... (pill porn)
Dope Pornz (WARNING: no dope and no porn)
Nodded out and gave myself a 2nd degree burn. [NSFL]
Refill day is my favorite day
Since I've been snorting Opana for a little while...
Just another day in the lab.
Opana is love, Opana is life
Dope p0rn.
Fake Prescription (xpost talesfromthepharmacy)
Just found this bugger on my kitchen floor. I haven't had this type in weeks. I'm
Like a turkey sandwich after thanksgiving
Does opana do this to anybody else? The 10-40mg pills all do it and the ir ones do
Finally :)
Relaxing after a day at the office.
It's been a fun ride but the time has come to move on. I've been a lurker for two
Dope porn, what's left of it.
Refund season porn
Got 99 problems but hitting a vein ain't one
Was feeling artsy
I work graveyard shifts for an emotionally and physically exhausting job. This is
10g rock of the purest top shelf tar I've ever done! ??? "I spit hot fire"
speedball porn
With friends like these...
10 buns... so much for quitting