
"Damn, Jerry, but it looks like you're one of us gals now. And, it gets worse...your
This is clearly NSFW.
Fork lift impale.
I'm pretty sure that's a violation 'death'
1970s grandpa hard at work atop the original world trade center
I don't think PPE training was part of her routine
Could someone please tell me how the hell this could have happened?
The horror!
Probably NSFW
There won't ever be an emergency...
NSFL--I had to clean this at work the other day. Gross, but no big deal right? Except
Ill just put this here. Nsfw.
NSFW Man falls out while operating high-speed work vehicle
Don't even worry about it
Piece of sharp sheet metal hanging under a gooseneck trailer (Literally NSFW)
Saw this at work, I do maintenance for the city I live in. [NSFW] cross post from
Ladder chic
Damn that ass.
The next day it was business as usual
High jump, short ceiling. WCGW? [x-post from /r/whatcouldgowrong]
Forklift drops it's load on top of a truck driver killing him instantly
Warehouseman stands on raised forklift arms to grab stock, tumbles off
Paper Clip Oven Door "Fix" and my leg when it swings open.
Hey boys, let's go swing our hammers
That's one way to enter a vehicle.
Got you by the short hairs
This isn't dangerous at all..
Impressive cleavage
[NSFW] PowerWashing injury, do not forget how dangerous it is.
Marijuana extraction accident in New Mexico
Do not stand on or above this rung. At the Timberwolves game tonight.
found this in a classroom. borderline nsfw???
Saw this in Stockholm today
Lifting a bus out of the water
Worker rides forklift load then it shifts and he falls to his death
Devin Brugman
Tanning 101
Check out this violation