
Was told I should post this here
Cum leaking from my 2ga
Hung and got a Prince Albert. What's more to ask for? PM's/comments welcomed
0ga pa hard in bed
New 14mm balls
Haven't said hi in a while - I think I'm at 4^g - sized around a lot recently.
Love my new ring.
Sneaky pic at work
Just got this on the 1st.
Soft afternoon, 0ga
Sized up to 6g last week. Already ordered my 4g jewelry for when I stretch again
2g PA and 10g frenum ladder
Loving 4g but I'm thinking about going bigger. Thoughts?
0g Frenum, Tribal Dream Ring
4g realness
My 5 lorum piercings.
Stretched to a 2g what do you guys think?
4g PA, considering adding dydoes
My 2 gauge CBR finally fit.
Extra rings, for versatility
Today's fancy jewelry
Leaking precum
Just made it to 2ga
Fresh 2ga
Sunday funday (m23)
Ringing in the new year with a second PA.
Just found this place, so here's my cock.
Scuba Steve
Too much jewelry?
Gotta love the black and white aesthetic.
Day 2 new PA
Day 4, this piercing is evil. Leaking precum!
Silhouetted Morning Wood
00G RPA and frenum ladder
Morning wood
Ya gotta have fun with it!
There is one more closeup shot for today. What do you think? Leave me some love.
One week old and healing nicely
It's healing up nicely!
Switched to a 6g Curved Barbell. What do you all think?
Got myself an acrylic 0g CBR and love it!
My first morning wood with a PA. Finally got it, after a year of hesitations and
4g Favorite ring
Slowly stretching back, 9mm now, used to be 11mm.
6 days in! So happy I finally went through with it!
Prince Albert of 10 years..I am considering... Making it a reverse P.A. Or adding
Enjoying some weight today.
Added an 8g hafada just about two hours ago. That's a surprise for my SO, she's out
Just wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome! Still recovering...just hanging
4g Apadravya - 5/16 Ball Ends - Shine
Serious weight! 10x22mm
Praise the Sun
Comfortably at 00G and loving it ❤
00 Trojan (hollow) ring arrived