
Hebrew for "I have sex with Palestinian women" nsfw
This is how Israel Fucks everybody NSFW
Assume this is real.  Now how do you feel about the second amendment?  NSFW (it's
Picture o[f] me and [m]y girlfriend masturbating. NSFW
Wikileaks has made the MSM even more powerful.
TSA- I wonder what happens when you invert the colours of a TSA x-ray. Try it yourself!
Someone's Using IE 2.0 (NSFW: NSFL)
because you love freedom for a ... what?!
Rupert Murdoch and Gordon Brown nsfw
Head shot of Osama [NSFW/L]
I have no clue if this picture is legit, but it was posted on a friends FB page.
Im not sure what to make of this. (NSFW)
Rep. Anthony Weiner sends naked pics to female on the internet. Claims he was "Hacked"
Tennessee thinks the Bill of Rights is purdy...  (slightly nsfw)
Pawlenty replies via Twitter to critics of his weak debate answer vis-a-vis "Obamneycare"
Michelle Bachman plays with herself while looking at this horrible obscenity. Nsfw
Laffer, let me fix that for you
Michele Bachmann in a Nutshell
michele bachmann can deep throat like a boss
NSFW- My professor doesn't think women need a penis in their lives.
It's all starting to make sense... (NSFW)
Thanks, Obama. (nsfw)
AZ's Governor out for a snack
The gun control debate.
this is just stupid and fuck you wit a dirty dick if u agree with how stupid racist
For your debate-watching pleasure on Wednesday.
Romney with a dick in his mouth.
I tried my hand at face swapping (NFSW)
Why I like Ann Coulter
Obama the great
Brotherly love. WTF
Politics as usual... NSFW
You have the power! Make a difference! /s
George Bush is Feg
Does anyone else feel this way about the government?
My New Hero
Go dark.go private
New Republican War Cry
(NSFL) Even if Planned Parenthood videos are being edited deceptively regarding financial
"Bernie Sanders draws sharpest contrast with Cliton yet"
Trumps new campaign sight. (might be nsfw)
Wore this to the grocery store. You could immediately tell who the Hillary fans were.
FiveThirtyEight's minimalist candidate portraits are awesome
Do Democrats have a Hitler Fetish? (NSFW)
Making America Great Again.
R/Donald in a nutshell...
Is this real? ***Viewer discretion is advised***
Your two candidates for President of the United States ladies and gentleman...
What a ridiculous question CNN
Only for trump supporters
Hillary getting her own back
"Family Values"
Political Reporter Haley Jackson for MSNBC gets my cock hard.
Political Activist Nadezhda Tolokonnikova (Member of Pussy Riot)
Political Journo Camilla Long, I'd give her some hot inside scoop source action
Political commentator Lauren Chen needs all her holes used and filled
Political cartoon from the 1700's, Relevant today?