
Dr. Rand Paul with special guest Ron Paul and President George Washington...
You Know This How?
Meghan McCain Cleavage (NSFW)
Just got this little ditty in my inbox. Got to love over exaggerating Texan alarmists.
I submitted the WikiLeaks story to CNN iReport.  After being viewed 50 times, they
Fox News at it again: "Illegal immigration is against the law."
The US debt to GDP ratio is just fine, nothing to worry... hey, WTF is this...  [chart]
Stop Unchecked Liberal Power! Really Reddit? Language [NSFW]
[NSFW] Wrong link on Christine O'Donnell Facebook post. Here, try this one.
Why can't we all just get along? (NSFW)
My main problem with politics (somewhat NSFW language)
These kids' mom, a Pakistani woman named Asia Bibi, has been sentenced to death for
Some Tea Partiers came by my house today looking for donations.  So gave them some
Saw this pic on my buddies Facebook after he returned from holidays, If any one still
Do UK redditors realize they aren't paying more for petrol/gasoline they are just
Its just to motivate people.
DAE think this is the state of American politics? [NSFW]
If you're planning on peaceful protest, you might want to get one of these...
FOX, never a miscommunication.
I feel like we've only gone downhill from here.
Conservative vs Liberal Political Cartoons
the reality of bandwidth caps (nsfw)
How does foxnews justify constantly linking to celebrity porn (NSFW...Lohan has nice
An accurate representation of the political system (possibly NSFW)
It gets worse for Rep. Anthony Weiner.  Opie & Anthony post alleged picture
Really, AFA?
Saw this graffiti on campus the other day. It's a semi-nsfw depiction of US politics.
I clicked on "political" on a t-shirt site this is what the tab was labeled.
Oh, really? How did we not figure this one out before?
Politics in a nutshell [NSFW]
Come on GOP, even my fortune cookie gets it.
All Washington politicians need to do is calculate the tax rate using the Horton
Got bored at work today, drew something. (My view on Fox news in regards to the terror
How Sane Texans Feel About Rick Perry
This comment appeared at the facebook page of an 
Spanish political party
Osama Isnt Dead? [Photoshop picture from US Gov.] [NSFW!]
My first political cartoon
Every time I see a post concerning Ron Paul, this is what goes through my head.
haha...oh wait, crap.
This is me on politics.
NSFW - Not Safe For World
Those sneaky bastards...
Follow the Chick Fil A money
I hope he's trolling. I'm going to cry if people really think like this. . .
Mitt Romney paraphrased "Fuck the Planet"
Anyone remember this Harry Reid quote on civil liberty-removing Patriot Act?
Michele Bachmann only leads Jim Graves by 120 votes with 58% reporting. Every time
All in.
Had to literally illustrate my point
Hey /politics/ x-post from /pics/ Gezi Park!!
He is crying :(
Donald Trump Mosaic; 500 Dickpics.
make america great again
MFW I'm living in a communist country and my son gets a B+ in Gender Studies.