
HAE noticed that YouTube also thinks we're perverts?
I have a bump on my areola (which is bumpy as is) that fills with stuff and can be
This was a horrible experience for me last year.
This is the result of having an abscess removed from the most uncomfortable place
Spot I have had on my sack for over a year now
What is this, and what can I do about it? Are those Cysts? Thankful for any help!
BUTTHOLE [NSFW] What the hell is this thing?
Nsfw this sob hurt freaking ingrown hair
This fucking hurts! [NSFW]
Packed pilonidal cyst, do you want the vid?
NSFW found this on my labia. Currently 8 months pregnant and needed 2 mirrors and
(NSFW) Ingrown hair? Folliculitis? Boil? Abscess? Sore? What is this, and what can
[Slightly NSFW] Felt a sharp pain between my leg and ass cheek - found an ingrown
Anyone know what this is? [NSFW]
This lil bastard just showed up! Fingernail for scale..(possible NSFW)
NSFW this is what came from that red mark to the left of the blob. Didn't expect
What's going on with my butt? :( NSFW
Follow up on previous post of cellulitis
I think i have a cyst right on the edge of my butthole (NSFW)
Update: Montgomery glands NSFW
Drainage of large abscess in breast [NSFW]
Boyfriend finally let me share his pimple with y'all (slightly nsfw)
I save the things I extract from my face in this SD card case.
Abscess is getting riper and riper each day.
HELP - Burst Infected Sebaceous Cyst - Tips on Care (NSFW)
[NSFW] This little white head on my nipple was so painful.
[NSFW] I found this on my boob this morning...
Slightly NSFW, but do any of you know what this is?
I can't tell if this is something angrier than a zit. Help anyone?
My third nut. No video on it, it only oozed a little before i went to the ER.
(NSFW) My back is always a gold mine
[NSFW] my chest is always like this
[NSFW(L?)] I really messed up my fingernail a while ago
Nsfw. I said what what...is in my butt.
Allergic reaction to surgery dressing (NSFW)
Above my moms butt crack, is this a cyst??
Anyone else love the goldmine you get when shaving your mound? NSFW
Right above butt crack WTF? HELP
Just got this nasty little wart on my knee removed today. Let's hope he doesn't come
NSFW This thing! It burst when I had a bath. No video :/ Still very big and very
This monster put so much pressure on my thigh muscle I've been limping for 2 days.
Get these all the time from shaving. Before and after. Nsfw
An ant got into my bra yesterday. It left me a gift.
[NSFW] I've been walking all over town with this, It hurts so bad.
[NSFW] I get these every couple of months and it hurts to close my legs.
NSFW Pilonidal cyst that won’t go away
My dog's lypoma. NSFW?