
Shower Time
Was surprised to not see this one up already.  I had to dig through my archives to
Near perfect sculpt.
Emily Salazar (X-Post from Boobies)
On target (x-post nsfw)
Curly-haired girl on the stairs
Before Her Jog [X-Post from NSFW]
Print bikini with the ratio
Water shower with the ratio
The ratio in bed, with a great tattoo [from /r/nsfw]
Laura Doré with the ratio
She's got it.
Can't. Stop. Watching.
Skinny girls are hot
A beautiful ratio
Borderline... but pretty
I've got a lot more but this is a 1%er
I have no words
Maybe posted before but wow...
Best for last today, about as perfect as possible.
Time to stop, running out of stupid titles!
I might just lay there and look at her!
Can we all agree on this one?
Bit tits on a skinny girl!
Good ratio, awesome boobs!
Just go ahead and snap those off!
She likes to suck!
That works!
Beautiful... everything.
I would destroy that, haha!
Prove it! Oh... .65 wow!
Yep, that works.
I've got no words...
Not sure about this one... but who cares?
Big ass... but what a ratio
A little hard body!
Happy birthday guys!
Grade A!
Holy shit! Could those may be real? And a nice waist!
Borderline... what say you /r/theratio?
Very nice...
Bonus of nice tits!
Does it get any better?
A tiny waist!
The ratio is black and white
Would you join them?
Those thighs could crush me!
Would you like to explore this body?
Perfect shape?
Cute girl with an awesome set! [cross post /r/theratio]
Shay oh Shay!
Dat gap!
Dark princess
I've only seen a few pics of this girl, wish there were more! Amazing body!
So innocent looking!
Beautiful eyes!
Nice skeleton on this chic!
Looks pissed... I'd like the chance to piss her off!