
MRW I can just repost the first meme from 2017 and it's eerily relevant
MRW I start academy on Monday.
Cop with world's dumbest thigh rig setup decides to also be dumb and wear dumb shorts.
When y'all goofy as fuck
I've assembled a few of you for a group picture
Stickied post on PnS right now
Bitch ass move
lethrwawy training the new guy
Adios sheepboi
Thanks boys
When they follow back ?
GSWarrior1 Starter Pack
When I win a free molle belt from a racist ass sheepboi Instagram page
When you're aryan brotherhood and a sheepboi
MFW we don't do handgun training for another 2 weeks
protectandserve on a Tuesday
Why do they say this. Every fucking time.
Did I post this already
This is old but god damn has it been relevant to me lately
My new (((pens))) are Jewish it seems
PnS mods when someone makes a shitpost and they swear they're funny
Cadets for truth
Just posting this here before we see it at PnS
Shits getting a little old, @9mmsmg & friends
PnS prepost
"the deputies, having solicited free food from this specific location three
Found Berries's wife
Is this....is this a meme?
There's... no room at the table....
Warneral during warrant service
MFW I'm at firearms training and it's a literal mudpit from the rain.
It's not racist because it's true
How tough are ya?
When I steal pics and put them through snap as if they're my own
Found this behind the radiator
Oh nooooo
Directions to r/ccw
Fucking blue falcons man
Safariland is Finally Being Sensible
When I see fellow probation officers post on social media about freeing Meek Mill,
For you mother fuckers pulling over $150k with your overtime
I mean...he was famous. What do you expect.
Seeing bestketweave do anything at all
/u/bestketweave's FW he sees a horse but no witnesses
Wannabe losers on PnS crying about the aub shutting down for a day