
Thank you!
You won my contest LittlePurplePrincess!
PrincessFrenchy! Grow some amazing things! I absolutely love flowers and plants and
Thanks for the Playdoh Daddy_C!!!! (NSFW)
Pinkilicious!! I hope you're ready to play lots and lots of hours...
/u/Little Bun_Bun a Gift is Hopping on over to You!
Thank you so much! I love it!
/u/LittleBun_Bun expect some happy surprises!
CathyMack - It's headed your way, yay!
Daddy_C Yayyy
Daddy_C - Yayyyy, I hope you like it!!
/u/tzhebee It's on it's way! (In two packages, <3!)
Feel better /u/lilmissjiff!
A Fairy Dragon I colored for a contest over at /r/RAofLittleness
Thanks /u/lizzlovesdaddy!!
feel better /u/breezombiee
Welcome to /r/RAoLittleness, /u/yugogrl2000!
Woo! Thanks /u/CathyMack!
Oh Liiiiillly!
Thank you Little_Tulip!
Thank you so much little_tulip!
u/Daddy_C... Yayyy!!!
Thank you mystery gifter #1!!!
I think that these are from /u/lilpad93 (there are too many Lillys around here hehe)
To my darling sickypants, Lillybitx :3 Feel better babes!
Happy early birthday /u/Lilpad93!!!
Lilly!!! Thank you so much my sweets!!!
Yayyyy!!! Jasmine!!! Thanks Lucindboo!
Thank /u/lilredcricket ! Daddy and I both love it!
it's as sooooo cuiuteeeee
Hope you enjoy it /u/tzhebee!!!
I just got part two! u/djsbabygirl I love it! Phyllis looks sooo cute.
/u/tzhebee thank you for cheering me up! I hope you like them! [=
Thank you thank you thank you
Thank you /u/yugogrl2000! :)
Thank you /u/notyourfuckdoll. I do believe this was from you as well, yes? I'm excited
/u/Bunnyfu-fuprincess You have some happy coming your way-figured you needed the
[Thanks] whoever sent me the Kindle GC <3 I don't remember getting a gift
Thank you /u/tzhebee & /u/princessbunnybutt
Thank you for the doggles!
/u/SpongeSuzySquareSkrt I got youuu something :):)
I miss this place, maybe I can kick start some activity with a gift to u/tzhebee!!!
Thank you lizzlovesdaddy!!!!!! I love love love it :)
Happy early birthday u/bunnnnnny !!!