
MRW when I get home from work and can look at all the NSFW posts I saved
Browsing reddit when I accidentally click a NSFW r/WTF link
MRW I find out bad news. (NSFW)
MRW clicking a [50/50] link and seeing the good kind of (NSFW).
MRW seeing a NSFW tag. SFW
MRW a -NSFW- AskReddit thread hits the front page
When I finally think I am getting the hang of reddit...
My sinuses when I found out you need a prescription to get a decent decongestant
MRW when I find out my new bf doesn't like landing strips
Reddit's reaction when they find out OP is a woman [Fixed]
MRR all the comments from the "What is the shortest time you've gone from meeting
MRW people ask me if they can taste my food
After I spent an hour on /r/nsfw for the first time
MRW my gf asks me to shower with her
After downloading and watching the latest Game of Thrones. [Possible Spoilers]
Whenever I upvote an NSFW link on /r/WTF
When I see a NSFW post with boobs
When I get trolled with NSFW pictures on Omegle
MRW I realized I've been browsing Reddit with NSFW filter 'on' for almost two weeks
After clicking on a few links in the AskReddit thread "What is the most strange/disgusting
MRW there's a sudden power outage
When I 'm the first one awake after sleeping over at a friend's house. NSFW-ish
MRW My first cake day was yesterday and I didn't realize it
MRW my girlfriend is horny but hasn't showered in a week - semi (NSFW)
MRW I heard about honey-boo-boos new show.
MRW I click in a link labelled NSFW on r/WTF
When I use logic to win a debate.....[nsfw]
My first time making out with a girl (NSFW)
When I click an NSFW link with out noticing and my Mom is standing right behind me.
MRW I get caught hot tubbing
When I browse NSFW or Gonewild
MRW I made my first .gif
MRW a girl asks me to eat her out when we are having sex [NSFW]
When a NSFW thread appears on the frontpage
MRW, whilst eating, I accidentally click on an NSFW tab secretly containing Formicophilia
MRW I see my boss from the other room looking at my computer screen while im looking
Is this a fetish now?
MRW while browsing r/WTF and clicking a "Warning: Porn (NSFW)" link
MRW I put on my new glasses for the first time [nsfw]
MFW I click on an NSFW link too quickly before realizing it's gore
MRW I eat Taco Bell for the third time this week
To the girl telling me she has made front page on r/gonewild 3 times now. [NSFW]
MRW someone with a camera yells "I'm from Reddit show me your tits!" [NSFW]
MRW I finally strike up a conversation with the girl I've been crushing on.
My reaction upon discovering a list of NSFW-subreddits.
Browsing /NSFW while horny
MRW my co-worker calls me over as he's about to click on a NSFW link.
MRW I'm scrolling through Instagram and someone posted their status update as a picture.
MRW puberty ~~~
MRW I accidentally open a NSFL link that someone snuck into r/awwducational
MRW I find out I'm going to Liverpool in the middle of winter
MRW I instantly think of a comment for a picture, only to see that 100 people have
MRW someone posts a link in a thread and says not to click NSFL/NSFW and it's already
MRW I see a quality NSFW post
MRW I accidentally click a NSFL post
My reaction when clicking on a disgusting NSFW image