
I made a thing after episode 5
[SPOILER] Look at all the fun we're having...
The sad part of episode 5
Lie Ren's weapons may suck, but he still blew up a snake's head.
Perfect Moment
Juane Block
Cartoon Gravity
.. gah. Unfortunate pause timing. (Episode 8) [spoiler]
The exact moment Nora became my favorite.
My favorite screen cap from episode 8[SPOILER]
Love Grenade
Yang is afraid of nothing
Caught this little reference in the latest episode! (SPOILERS)
Man, those girls can change uniforms awfully fast...
My initial thought when I saw this scene
Does anyone have a wallpaper version of this moment? [Episode 8 spoiler(-ish)]
Just in case anyone wanted a wallpaper of Ruby's drawing, here you go.
[POSSIBLE SPOILERS] Shoutout to Weiss's expression.
Can you imagine how amazing it would be when these two meet? I wonder who'll out-weird
[Spoiler]Regarding the latest episode.
It had to be done...
Felt like drawing some Fan Art of Cinder. [SPOILERS] if you haven't finished the
Sun has a team? Screenshot from the new opening. [NSFW for spoilers]
Sticking it into melons
One of my favorite moments from Volume 2. Riot!!
People Like Grapes
[Fan-Art] Just a little sketch, I couldn't resist!
Bout to put on my Neo cosplay
Wallpapers based off a certain something at the end of Dance Dance Infiltration [1920x1080]
I think yang is suspicious of Mercury and Emerald
Ok, let me try this again. THIS has to be Team FNKI
It's midnight here, I'm bored, tired and hyped. So I drew that green eyed girl.
Anyone notice the robot manning one of the courtyard stands?
[SPOILERS] I knew she looked familiar..
'Who's that Chick?' by Vento on Pixiv
Winter Redraw [xuunies]
[Season 3 Episode 4 Spoilers]: Weiss's Semblance
Some awesome wallpapers/screenshots from v3c4
A country life, By PureParadise.
Whitley Minimalist, By Pureparadise.
Volume 4 The Waitress, by PureParadise.
A Sharp Dressed Man Minimalist Wallpaper, by Pureparadise.
Another new minimalist Yang
Blake and Kali Cosplay by Elegant Valkyrie and Microkitty
Printed dakimakura covers of Neon & Velvet!
White Rose by [AyyaSAP]
Pyrrha Enjoying the Beach [kuroonehalf]