
Oh, those wacky Germans.
Why wreck this with a face? [NSFW]
The classiest thread I've seen on reddit so far.
I have seen a lot of posts about a Facebook Feed and i finally Saw one
Seems legit
I don't think she gets the hint
A perfect description.
It appears the price has went up since I last put it on my wish list... (mildly nsfw)
This is what happened when i asked my boyfriend to help me working on my physics
I don't think youtube was kidding about the monkeys...
Note to self: Don't Google "crazy straws" image with son (or any child).
My Top Rated Comment is also my most Poetic (NSFW-ish)
My top rated comment is so poetic.  (NSFW-ish)
Just look away son. Just look away.
I thought this was Facebook, not Pornbook.
Next level of facebook creeping
TIL Carrie Fisher's boob falls out of her bikini after she kills Jabba the Hutt.
One of them is lying for sure...
Brah, I hear JCPenney is having a massive sale event! NSFW?
The subtle differences in parenting styles
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
How the fuck does this get close to 170k likes?
Amazon search fail
So, I was sexting my boyfriend...NSFW
What an appropriate recommended video.
They Should Have Put A NSFW Flair
My friend received an interesting treat... Only in Japan... (NSFW)
Um... thanks, I guess?
I think Youtube is slacking on their job. At least their keywords work. (NSFW)
When old people dont understand Facebook hacks.
Gary Barlow has his Twitter account hacked
Oh Reddit.
Well, you could be this guy...
Spotted on the "Please remove the page called Autism and Aspergers are Retardations
So I'm having fun drawing random pokemon - and Lickitung appears. Now my chest hurts.
Found on a torrent I definitely was not searching for
Still image of a video on The Daily Beast!
iOS8 has all the answers
Asking the important questions.
I recieved this masterpiece of a drawing on snapchat.
What are the Pros & Cons?
[NSFW] So my friend baked a cookie...
thank you puberty
I've seen some shit
How to sell items on the internet
Found this interesting comment on a video interview with Natalie Portman. I just
Salt Armour Company apparently thinks real life dead baby jokes constitutes good
[NSFW] A perfectly placed mirror turned my friend into a tranny, luckily I saved
Surprise! Tumblr's New Landing Page.
Wait, there's a sub for that?
NSFW: Norman is looking for financial advice
Welp who was it?
This NSFW site captcha.....
The way these posts came up (NSFW)
I thought it was a robot not a person