
I dropped a metal plate on my finger I can't tell if it's getting worse or better.
So I snapped my shinbone because of a fucking retarted driver... 4 months left for
So three years ago I got into a four wheeler accident. Thought you guys would like
For my first post, here is my finger cut down the middle..
Smashed my finger in a door.  Broke the distal bone
The Scrape from Hell
Earpiece from eyeglasses imbedded in my eyebrow after I passed out and face-planted.
My Mum's feet after doing a 200 mile trek to raise awareness for the charity RP fighting
Landed face first over my handlebars back in 1980. 15 stitches inside and out, but
Had a marble-topped table dropped sideways onto my foot - 4 inch long, 1 inch wide
my Dad's hand got caught in a fence...
Progression of my eye after a car accident (4 pics)
Badly Broken Ankle
Finger meets belt sander. Ripped the skin right off
Note to self: Wear gloves while using power tools.
A friend uploaded this one to facebook.
Cut my hand with a circular saw, hilarity did not ensue.
My leg after removing the stitches from an oops with a machete.
Happened to me 5 years ago today. Trampolines can be dangerous.
Boston Marathon bomb victim
Broken wrist xray...did this roller skating
Got in a bike accident. Lost 2 teeth, 3rd one is about to fall out. It's currently
Boat propeller injury. *om nom nom* ^‿^
Watch your step. (x/post from r/gore) nsfw
My friends leg 2 weeks after tearing it open on a stake. (X-post from r/gore)
Baby brother had an accident at work today
Follow up on my eyebrow, turns out the cut was so clean that they could just glue
Country singer Jake Owen was recently in a go kart wreck. He later had to get a part
Hockey skate to the wrist
Fingers aren't supposed to bend like that
Guy sucker punched me leaving the bar one night. two fractures in my jaw.
Found this one on my Facebook news feed
Had this fucker pulled from my mouth recently. Lots of blood for the next 24 hours.
My little brother managed to do this with his buddies glasses
My dad nearly lost his pinky trying to fix our garage door a couple of years ago.
Was told this 'wake up call' may belong here (story in comments)
Found this on Facebook, "run over by a horse"
Chemical burn to my eye, It has been a bad year for me
I cut my hand sharpening a knife
Motorcycle accident
Fractured my second metacarpal all the way through a couple weeks ago
The story of my stupid broken leg
Just playing light basketball. How did this happen?
My 6 year old was doing "parkour" at school
CT scan of my broken leg from a snow skiing accident
Cut my thumb with a pocket knife yesterday.
My boyfriend lost a bit of his finger today
I'm a mechanic and my hammer met my finger.
Hello hole saw my old friend
Live long and prosper.