
Major Spoilers from tonight's ep: A closer look at what was in the tube
Oooo Jemma....
I wouldn't say..(Spoilers from newest episode.)
Interesting that you should say that, Ward... (Episode 4)
I think you mean... Agent Warrrrd!
Ladies and Gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to present to you... [SPOILER] Coulson
We are all filled with gratitude. In remembrance. [Spoiler]
The Blue Alien is definitely Kree look at Ronan
Image of Fitz from AoS Facebook page [S1 SPOILERS]
[Spoilers] Is it the same guy?
[SPOILER] Alright guys lets put him in a clear plastic box.
[Spoilers S02E05] Hyrda and Dr. Claw (Inspector Gadget's archenemy) are next door
[S2E11 Spoiler] RIP in pieces
[Spoilers S02E12] Pic of the Day
Getting your nails done #JustVillainThings
[Spoiler] Well you said it yourself Jemma.
Clark Gregg posted this pic on Facebook/Twitter in anticipation of tonight's episode
[Spoiler] I see pun everywhere
[S2 Spoiler] Gonzales seems to keep forgetting something about Mack... Or does he
[SPOILER 2x15] Anyone else think of Simba during this scene? She's following in their
[Spoiler S2E19] Who could say no to this?
S2E06 - Jemma's promise
[S2E19 Spoilers] When I realise there are only 3 episodes left this season
[SPOILER] S02E03: I have rarely seen a more conflicted and complicated character
[Spoiler] Season 3 Episode 1 image from the end of the episode
[SPOILER] [S3E01] Coulson's cup
[SPOILER] Does this look familiar to anyone else?
That look.
[Spoiler, 3x03] Anyone else brought to tears by this scene?
[Spoiler S03E04] Hunter being... well, Hunter
[SPOILER][S03E05] One minor costume detail that bugged me...
Everyone here after that episode. [SPOILERS]
[SPOILERS] "It's unusual for thieves to break in but not steal anything..."
[SPOILERS][THEORY] Found something really interesting from Will's screenshots!
[SPOILER] Spoilers for S3E06
(Spoilers) Took me long enough. S3 E8 Synopsis: Everyone is a Traitor Part Infinity
[SPOILERS S03E10] The Hydra spin-off we deserve
(Spoilers) S3 E10 Synopsis: Cthulu Fhtagn
(Sort of Spoilers) Watching through Season 2 and was reminded of this amazing shot
[Spoilers S03E10] With 8 days left until AoS return, this is how I feel.
[Spoilers S03E12]“I don’t know what to do with this hand!"
[Spoilers] I've waited so long for even just a mention and they finally gave it
Bobbi and Hunter have a great relationship in the comics
(Spoiler) This is tragically beautiful :'(
With all the madness that has gone on this season, let us not forget who has already
[SPOILERS][S03E17] For some reason, I just don't believe you
Embrace the Dark Side, Darth Skye
Brett Dalton's poorly-timed tweet [S3E20 spoilers]
[SPOILER S03E22] I thought this scene was quite peaceful.
[Spoiler] Congratulations card Grant Ward's mother received when she gave birth
When your sibling try to touch your stuff!