
SJW feels guilty for disliking Islamic veils because they remind her of - *shudder*
/b/tard has an idea
Our european feminist, showing against french far right party. Thank you ladies.
Free bleeding rock band that don't need no man
It's sexit to assasinate a female comic book hero, so the movie is a total loser
Lefties are upset their children are acting normal.
Instead of working mid-day on a Tuesday lets disrupt people protesting something
Those poor bystanders
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So I told this "Irish ISIS supporter" that ISIS is a transgender goddess.
"ISIS was a transgender goddess." Checkmate
Ireland created the whole mess in Libya! WAKE UP IRELAND!
Why is Biranna Wu on my LinkedIn?!
Tried to play some halo. Forgot to check my privilege first.
Thad Russell on social justice as a conservative act
Prostate Is A Privilege
What YouTube Heroes Really Means for us
The Patriarchy strikes again: female ghostbusters earn 77 cents on the dollar as
X-post from /r/sjwhate
9/11 is a social construct (x-post r/sjwhate)
Just any other day at the beach ... right
Subliminal hashtag.
And these are the people who are perpetually offended. Hmmmm!?
Masculine Vaginas and Feminine Penises