
Festival pantsing
You must hear these words a lot
Even hookers don't wanna fuck that thing
Buying extra small condoms is the optime of optimism
Typical third date
Tough Crowd
The "no sex before marriage" religious rule was written by small dick men.
Olivia Munn
That must suck
It's better than her leaving you
You confused the poor girl
It's what they all think
Are you havin' a laugh
Pass her the tic tacs
Your Plans Tonight
Girls Talk
She deserves better
Did it slip out again?
The waters not cold
Your bathing suit...
You must get this a lot...
It makes her smile
Pathetic Loser
That moment...
Friendzoned as fuck
Shorts off
Put it away
You can't even last...
She loves to remind you
Her favorite position
Quite the trick
The latter
The truth at last
What else are you gonna do
Blood is thicker than your dick it seems.
This happens every time, doesn't it
She has a job for you
She's just not feeling it...
The Beach
The Buzz Kill
A Simple Message
It's Official
You call that a cock?
Oh, look, meh
Shaving misfire
The Prank
The Girls all know
She woulda done that for free
Small tits trump's small dicks
The Eternal Question
Well, you do...
The changing faces of size
Just accept it
Hooking up with your colleague
Don't be shy
It truly is