
Cleansing The Soul One Drop Of Water At A Time [m]
You've got [m]e twisted
A Stretch a Day Keep The Doctor Away. [m]
Join [m]e
I [M]night Need A Bigger Towel
[M] Long Day's Journey Into Night [strike a pose]
In this cold weather it is very i[m]portant that one wears good, thick, sensible
Taking In The Early (M)orning View
[M]y first pose struck of the '20s, it's a good decade to be back.?
We have cli[m]bed seven thousand steps today, so I celebrate with a kiss for all
Are you ready? [M]
My submission for this week's challenge [M]
A little less than right [m]
Lean in [M]
A Holiday (M)iracle: Overnight I Grew This Beard & My Tally Wacker Turned
Decisions... (m)
While all around is in flux, the centre always re[m]ains
A side plank. Right. You got it. The things I do for SAP ... [m]
There’s Always Gotta Be That One Guy Who (M)arches To The Beat Of His Own Drum
One of [M]y favorite books to read.
Batter Up (M)
Catlike grace? [m]
Adding To The Current Run Of Unzipped Jeans - It Was Chilly, Hence (M)y Shirt Addition
10K? I'm 10mpted to say how do you the[m] apples, eh? Well done everyone!
How’s my form and extension (M)?
No Tanlines Yet But Basking My 24-Pack (AKA DatU) In The ☀️ Soon -- It Doubles
Is it the weekend yet? [m]
So[m]e sexy mod took this down yesterday because it was "too hot for tv!".
Who want to join (M)e for a steamy shower?
Just a little tease [M]
[M] I don't have any nice rope or experience like cakevilain does
Can I have some [m]ore tummy fuzzles, please?
show me Heaven, cover me Leave me breathless Oh, show me Heaven, babe (M)
Belted (M)
No way I wasn’t going to copy this one (M)
? I sneaked a quick look in the [m]irror. She gave me a smile ?
MISSION CODE: 1 4 UR EYES ONLY: What do you see when you spy on me? Well, if you
Beware of what lurks in the basement (M)
Second Date: Netflix, chill and bone (M)
Little late to the game but can I still play? (M)
I don't have any bras I can use as a symbol of casting off [m]y cares, so I'll use
"OK, wait ... wait ... Right! Now I'[m] ready! Come at me!"
Tarzan, Chucks, Warhol and lovely beauties Collab with fabulous Dance4me (f) (f)
The last baubles are for you [m]
You can kiss [m]y butt 2020. (This is as close as my lack of physical flexibility
(M)y take up on being tied up, I hope I get untied soon.....
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious (M)oon
So[m]etimes words aren't the best way of saying what I feel
I too have Claws and are feeling fierce (M)
#82 From the sa[m]e old session
Wrath - You are going to need to be taught a lesson aren’t you? [M]
Lust or Greed....sometimes I just can’t wait! [M]
My glasses get so stea[m]ed up when I'm browsing SAP ...
[M]orning Routine
Get wet with me? ? [M]
I'[m] "lifting" my self-imposed restriction of a post a day in honour of
Look deep into the windows of my soul and tell me what you see (M)
That was the best night ever. Or [m]aybe the worst. I wish I could remember which