
Look who I saw in Weeds a couple weeks ago [NSFW]
Episode 6 Spoiler: Those smiles.
(Spoiler) Although you were sometimes annoying... NSFW
Was anyone else surprised to see this?
(spoiler) Freeze Frame of that one thing that that one person got at that one challenge.....
Malcolm reacts on twitter to tribal council yet again, and some other tweets of his.
Check out the game my roommates and I are playing.
dat stache [NSFW]
My solid argument as to why Erik is my favorite this season. (Spoiler)
Was anyone else curious about Russell's reaction to Colton and his being called "the
[NSFW] Troyzan and Kate Upton?!
Preview shows who returns from RI (SPOILERS)
My favorite shot from the last episode [spoiler]
The "Brains" Tribe [SPOILER]
**SPOILER**Shuffled tribes revealed in CBS promo!
[Player] hates [player] so much, there could be a bitter blindside
Our eyes will mourn this loss for the rest of the season.
[spoiler] Anybody think these two look alike?
I am the author of my own horrendous tattoos!
Tried to watch the episode on CBS.com - Thanks for the spoiler CBS [spoilers]
The SJDS Ponderosa
I loved these players' reactions to the food reward in this secret scene.
[Spoilers] This pattern kind of says it all...
Me every time I see Nina from now on
(Spoilers from Episode 4) X's awesome reaction to finding the hidden immunity idol.
Joof Proobst's Annual Ponderosa Cartoon [SPOILERS]
New Alliance Chart (Post Merge)(Spoilers)
[SPOILERS] My cat had the same reaction to this episode as I did...
[Spoilers] I don't know about you guys, but I was VERY invested in this episode...
[Spoilers] Number one reason I try to never miss an episode live.
What the people on the Street are Saying 5/21/2015 (Spoilers from Finale)
This appears to be one of the buffs from Second Chance, complete with tribe name!
(Released S31 spoiler) Been waiting a week (what feels like an eternity) for these
[spoiler] about the challenge
CBS interns strike again
(Spoilers) Saw the awkward post, couldn't resist "editing" it a bit
Updated and probably irrelevant overview of Xfinity aligns (spoilers for new tribes)
Another sidebar image request from episode 6 (sorry, this episode was golden)
[Spoilers Ep. 7] This shot of _____ reminds me of a certain character from one of
Just to end speculation - here's why _______ voted for _______
Darrah from Pearl Islands says...
Will ______ and/or _______ find the HII? (SPOILERS)
Wine and Cheese Club
TMW two of your favorites vote together.
MRW I find out who's going to Ponderosa next.
The word of the night (TC)
Fixed the Brawn tribes photo (I thought CBS was above photoshopping contestants)
Immunity Challenge One Concept Comic
The fish puzzle pattern
A strong contender for this year's Colby Donaldson Award for Good Penmanship.
S34 Cast Graph
Thank you, CBS. It's not like I was on your website to watch the episode or anything.
The ______ at Ponderosa.
[AUS] People's inability to make decisions..
Rare on-island interview with Jeff after Ciera voted out her mom (super rare, BvW
[Spoilers] My favorite shot from this episode.
Managed to stumble across this blog post somehow... I say it would've made for a