
[NSFW] Filling a "request" - Aftermath of a metal dildo falling on a macbook
Making this subreddit literal...(or why i hate running cable)
Heard you were a fan of cable running gore
Is this the average persons knowledge of what a PC consists of?
Last Friday I came home to find my fios not working, my ONT said Moca connection
After playing the BF4 beta for a 15 minutes sparks starting shooting out of my power
This squirrel managed to take a whole station off the air...
The company's mail and FTP server
"My USB-stick stopped working"
This seems like a bad decision [NSFW somewhat]
(NSFL)izard. OC
Despite being broken, this printer seems quite pleased.
Something isn't working in here. Wish me luck.
Thought you guys would like to see my old keyboard.
A customer's DVD player died while this DVD was inside.
[NSFL] Failed Raspberry Pi overclock
Went to setup a new Ubiquiti UniFi AC accesspoint up at a customers office.. [NSFW]
Last I checked, this is NOT the correct way to install a wall plate...
Exploding capacitor hit me in the eyeball (NSFW)
Your feeble attempts at gore amuse me.
Lewd Lexmark Service Manual [NSFW?]
[NSFL?] "I work at a phone repair shop and this came in today. The owner died
NSFW Found in an old computer kiosk at Denver International
Five hours of open-heart surgery, while sweating to death in the pediatrics ward.
Found on Yahoo Answers (NSFL if you are a printer)
[NSFW] Found this on the way home. Buddy had a bad night
4 Terrorbytes
x-post /r/ wtf Well, there's your problem.
I am a monster.
VGA cables at my university (Nvidia K2000)
This is why you need to keep you room clean!
Finally found a pair of earbuds I once lent someone for a conference call. They can
[NSFL] I've never seen this before. Why does my network keep dropping?
Found on Instagram. If you see blood, you should probably stop using your badly damaged
Found the worst used mouse I've seen yet.
Samsung S9+ vs Truck
2 TB of exposed porn
Connector Squid Is Not Amused.
My daughters idiot SO gave my even idioter son a fifth of Jack Daniels Xmas eve.
Client had a power outage, root cause turned out to be literal tech support gore.
Rule 34
Expensive mistake
My first gore on my new job! Now excuse me while I go set my hands ablaze.
I guess this is how the cool kids mount strips.
RIP Backup Appliance
A normal printer that works. Except when it doesn’t. Which is all the time. I hate
Horrible degloving accident leaves insides exposed
Customer had a rat living in their PC...
In case you guys wanted to know, Legos dont hurt that bad to step on...
My friend said his CPU was running at 100C and asked if that was normal, then sent
Since apparently we're posting dead animals in appliances now...
I WaNtEd rGb RaM...
My own wrong doing