
She posts terrible memes every day. (Nsfw?)
Apparently my area code has a "meme page" on facebook
This girl is a goldmine of terrible posts...
The work of a maniac.
I can't even
No, just no.
Not more of this shit again
Who makes this shit?
This is ruining The Simpsons
[NSFW] I have no words.
Thanks for this post grandma.
One useful msg is better than many jokes lolwat
Stay classy, Facebook
[NSFW] How the f**k did this get on Facebook??
Who is the dog?
(NSFW) there is no reason this needs to exist
What. The. Fuck.
Dude, wtf
Love Wins
Oh...oh my god
So Mr. Potato Head's penis is now acceptable Facebook meme material
I'd rather keep my Facebook and rule 34 separate... [NSFW]
Why must this abomination sucker punch me out of nowhere?
Oh God What The Fuck
Shit Happens Then There's Alcohol
Ew? ??
It's the little things that count..
haha see it's funny because skinny girls might as well be dudes amirite??!
"What would you do"
Sexy girls, pants-pooping and crying Jesus. I think I just won this subreddit.
Islam is a peaceful religion!
How to play 'Pokeaumum the Adult Version'
Life goals.
At least the grammar is a little more cohesive.
Classic Gaming Banter
Just terrible
Needs more bad photoshop
No words
What you gone do!!!???
No bullshit, God is dead and we have killed him.
A little something
I just don't understand why some people post these things. (mildly NSFW)
And Jesus wept!
A Facebook goldmine.
When you're scrolling down your feed, every post that you see, has an original point
Princess Peach [NSFW]
What goes through someone's head when they create a meme so unnecessary?
When you date a drug dealer
Because fuck your personal preference that doesnt affect others at all
Unfortunately, my mom is a goldmine for this sub
Little boy teaching his cute little monster to use harden ???
Gary the bottomfeeder
I need to clean up my friends list
Wondering what this woman’s ass has to do with Auschwitz
For the love of Jesus