
Looking for some help staying warm.
Neo-steam green...
I feel just filthy after last night...
I am heaven sent. Don' you dare forget
Selfie Saturday in the sunbeam. Shall we be lazy or ambitious?
You gotta keep em separated!
Forecast for Friday: Sunny and Full Frontal
Working from home 2
Good morning neighbors. Who's up for helping with some yard work?
A little TBT to say Hello! [M52]
Cool fall morning, feeling ready to take on this day!
It's Sunday, so let's roll over and snooze...
Got called to a meeting while in the shower, oops. [40/m]
Anyone want to help with my back? I promise I'll return the favor.
Being quarantined makes everything more difficult. I need help! Takers?
If you looked through my window this is what youd see.
Washing Dishes Like the Ancestors (boiling water on gas stove during 3-day power
Saying Hi as it’s been a while. [46]
Happy Hump Day! For all my neighbors have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Vacuuming behind the couch is a low-key obstacle course
Who wants to help me finished getting undressed for my shower? [46]
Lazy Sunday morning “trying” to get out of bed [46]
It takes balls to admit I'd play with toys if you came to visit [46]
Football or Soccer....Discuss ?
I have what you need tonight
Welcome, make yourself at home
I'm new to this sub, but I think I'll fit right in. ?
Relaxing shower
Come watch these suds drip further down
Need to be stretched this morning too?
For my favourite neighbour....come and get it
I know you can see me, quick come over
All yours
Ahhhh, ready for a nice relaxing Sunday...
Hey, yeah, come on over, the water is still hot ?