
This one took me a second (NSFW?)
r/T_D is a goldmind for strange propaganda like this
It's election day in Canada. My dad just sent me this.
Making gay erotica to own the libs?
Nude lady bad, old lady good
sorry if your eyes are sore after seeing this
It's always the one "joke"
Looks like a good time
Using gay porn to own the libs guys
Guaranteed they busted as they made this
They're out of ideas and just posting outright homophobia now. Disgusting.
Woman bad.
Found on Facebook. Wtf is this?
[NSFW] OG Mudbone
1967 MLK Political Cartoon
Many levels of irony
I swear these people get more and more delusional every day NSFW
Dilbert creator openly calls for killing of AOC
NSFW Crazy Friend on Facebook
Neonazis make a breakthrough on voter fraud theory
Yeah, idk the democrats do some stuff wrong, but transphobia and other stupidity...
That’s not even how the format works
Besides the obvious transphobia, isn't this what Republicans want?
F for Effort
Giant brained take on trans women in sports.
(Imgur folder of 7 images) I really hate how Nazis have co-opted Pro-Palestine rhetoric
Be gay, do crime.
Unironically arguing for their right to hate speech
How many The Onions knockoffs is too many?
Haha transphobia is funny amirite??
Why is the sign on the inside?
My mother sent me this gem with no explanation.
WTF even is this
White = worker, black = poor and the Jewish soros is the puppet master. No subtext
I love transphobia, especially when it comes from family.
I feel like low-effort memes define the genre. From a right-wing facebook friend.
that sub has gone to hell
r/LoveForLandlords at it again
Who wants to tell them 1865 Democrats are 2020 Republicans?
50% of the population now owns 13% of the mansions or something idk I have no idea
Critical race theory is cultural genocide, apparently
Must be dumb asshole day in r/memes
So this is just plain gross.
I'm speechless...
But aren’t foreigners and migrants men and woman as well
what in the god damn
Literally “everyone”
If anything this is a step in the correct direction