
Found the perfect girl this morning. Cute, professional and helpful around the house.
The real question is... Who took this picture? (NSFW)
How could I not swipe right?
(NSFW) I guess I'll volunteer...
Planning Ahead
I could eat.
Really? [NSFW]
Good day for moments
My first moment!
[nsfw]One finger, so clean
Or not, as it were.
Now I ain't saying she a golddigger
Pretty happy with the first NSFW moment I've gotten.
No shame in her game (NSFW)
Sunday Moment
First NSFW Moment in a long time!
Huh. [NSFW]
Some people wait a lifetime, for a moment like this (first NSFW moment)
Truly a magical time of the year
She Knows How to Get the Right Swipe
2015 is going to be a great year.
FINALLY I get a good moment (NSFW)
This morning, I bring you win. (NSFW)
My luck it changing! (NSFW)
Friends eat friends out in parks!
Is she for real?!
#Yolo (nsfw)
Things Girls Say
Oh go on then...
Erhm.. #shameless
Swedish girls just acting casual crazy. Not sure if NSFW..
[NSFW] didn't see this coming
Obviously the standard 6 photos wasn't enough for her [NSFW]
Looks legit
Uhh.. thank you?
Sharing her most intimate moments... [NSFW]
Nothing but Nikes.
Nice like that
That's so Raven
Well, about time for me to be hitting the ol' dusty trail...
(NSFW) #toolit
Well this is a first
Taste the rainbow.
"I am the classy type."
She seems like a nice girl
Never in my life have I Super Liked so hard.
I think this is very funny!
This is the best response I've ever had on here
Your shirtless pic is douchey and tasteless
I don't know if this is okay for this sub but whatever... My friend sends me screenshots
She unmatched me shortly thereafter...
Straight up killing it