
You've heard of the Peace Corps?
Guess this is the only place for me to put this...
Ouda, don't just stand there and throw me a spear!
Meanwhile in Syria.
You can't escape Rule 34 (NSFW)
Not So Much a Malapropism As It Was a Prophecy [NSFW]
Amanda Todd on BlogTV
R.I.P. Amanda Todd [NSFW]
George Takei's gem for today (with bonus butthurt)
Come at me!
Look who showed up to the Marathon again?
boston red sox
Spongebob, No! [NSFW]
Even after all that, he's still photogenic
Pass it on. The Foundation For A Better Life.
No fucks given
Rev up that finish line...
Sir, you're going to the hospital. Don't argue. You don't have a leg to stand on.[nsfw]
Shame it ended while he was finishing the last leg of the race.
One can only hope...
Im a sailor pig
Party Cup !
Spongebob tried to tell us
/b/ discusses the Boston bombing (x-post from /r/4chan)
For a moment there I was actually worried. [NSFW] [NSFL]
For a moment there I was actually worried.
Don't worry, his team is about to win the NCAA basketball tournament [NSFL]
Can't a guy just enjoy a tragedy without all this shameless product placement?
Well, I guess she forgot something.
that sign was well placed....
It appears history does repeat itself. Boston Massacre part 2
Well Done!
Great publicity stunt by Firehouse Subs!
Well he can't walk, so we are going to have to put him down.
A dedicated fan.
dont spill my drink
Unphased but never unphotogenic
Just a little too soon for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?
It still counts
Still "standing"
BREAKING: Live Footage of the Malaysian Airline Explosion!
Baltimore has teamed up with Brazzers - CNN Exclusive
Who needs SWAT teams when we can unleash these (nsfw)
Even celebrities are upset about reddit's HR decision.
Not good
Turkish beach fun
I don't think they should release pictures of the shooter with his guns like this
OFFICIAL: Photo's released of Alan Rickman moments before his death
Chyna will be missed by her biggest fan
Hold up man I'm tryna catch em all
Telling people about a sh*t driver I saw on the freeway.
Quick revive .
Graphic Images from Las Vegas Concert Shooting Released
RIP Aziz Ansari - Cause of Death: Whistling at a White Woman
Woodland Mills is trying to hop on this opportunity (NSFW)
School bake sale!