
My brother just started his own server. My best friend and I welcomed him(Or how
All I could think of when I read the AMA with the guy receiving the penis transplant....
Therealdrmiami - snapchat plastic surgery. Yes that is an entire boob removed with
I'm a craft barista. I overheard some transplants talking about voodoo doughnuts
Nothing a face transplant wouldn't fix!
Heroic Firefighter after Total Face Transplant. - Imgur
The Science behind egg transplants
How I feel all the time. My last girl was multiple racial and this one is a transplant
Face transplant [xpost r/medicine]
This man before his face transplant
Midwest transplant to FL. Dad, 34yo
Facial Transplants For Suicide Attempts by Gunshot (NSFW)
Kinda looks like a transplant, doesn't it? [m]
[49M] newly transplanted to Northern IN
Face Transplant Surgery
Thank you all! We're growing a lot because of your advice. Next step: transplant
Imagine having a hair transplant, knowing this is on the back of your head
What do y’all think? 3 weeks into flower, sadly lost strain name in transplant...
Did I overwater my clone when I transplanted it?
Did I overwater my newly transplanted clone?
Dad got a kidney transplant today. Here's one of his old ones. (PKD)
Hair Transplant - 2 days. Really excited about the future
Day 2 since transplant. It is finally growing again! A good half inch of growth in
2 days post transplant. A good half inch of growth. Its finally growing again! Cotyledons
hair transplant. so gross!!
Breaking news! Doctors were able to perform the first ever head transplant to save
Got Hair Transplant Today. What do you think?
What do you call Jay-Z having a leg transplant? A hip-hop hip op.
What do you call Jay-Z having a leg transplant? A hip-hop hip op.
These roots hadn't even poked through the net pot last Friday when I transplanted
WB3S to ESP-12 transplant update!
New transplant ready to do hot boi shit
(M) Newish transplant ready to do hot boi shit
(M) Newish transplant ready to do hot boi shit
Total noob. Plants are ~40 days post sprout, transplanted them 5 days ago. Over the
Recently transplanted clones. Been rainy and humid, so keeping indoors for now. Is