
[TRIGGER] Mom burned some milk while boiling it for soup.
[NSFL] Hand in shredder aftermath
This piece of Jackfruit.
This shirt
Trypo-dough-bia, amirite?
This gives me the creeps
Don’t zoom in don’t zoom in ?
When cooking dinner...
My doctor said I need to eat healthier, decided to try pomegranates for the first
These seats at the restaurant are distracting
Laser Tattoo Removal
Keratosis pilaris
German fortification, Normandy, World War II.
Raw bison skull that I just got has some rough skin.
Tree fungus
Band of Holes in Peru
Capsicum seeds
X-post from r/makemesuffer Enjoy :p
This beach in Oregon
LNI face post.
I'm sure it's delicious because Nigella Lawson made it, but heck no I'm not gonna
This water lily seedpod had me feeling uneasy
A mouse I will not be ordering
These asparagus steak roulades my wife got from the store
How am supposed to play with this..?
This hexagonal-pored polypore mushroom I found yesterday
Echidna after surviving a bushfire
This stupid Snapchat ad
The ice on my car. Woof.
Enoki mushroom cross section
This is a big yikes!!!!
Zoomed in Scales
Hmmm. Hate this you will.
The fungi that surrounds 97%+ of all roots! Not even safe in my Botany course
My top mattress without it's sheet.
Wild banana
On a fence post
Just throw the whole kid away
Dried out lavender after a heatwave
The end of this ostrich bone
Polished Bauxite
My Hair Transplant Donor Site
My friend's lighter
Butternut squash
Tree stump in my yard - Previous owner was weird
Stretching bread
Why we don’t eat raw pork. For reference...THAT is a human brain section opened
Glass needles filled with water
Chocolate Beans to bar
Carrot burst in the fridge
Neanderthal skull embedded in stalactites
Bottom of my pot after Beschamel sauce got burnt
enoki stem with too many holes
A bowl of rice
This pancake I just made