U 42Words

You're right: it's "not hard." That doesn't mean it's easy.
WiSh mE LuCk ??
42 words about #ALLLIVESMATTER
"iT's iN tHe nAmE"
Another day, another discovery that the reason a comment I wrote was completely ignored
My point is that I think when you get to this level of obsessiveness about something
i give up
In a desperate bid to retain what's left of my own sanity, I'm choosing to believe
I'm just posting this here so I can bust it out in the future as a canned reply to
Me, clearing right hundred angry comments out of my inbox: "Sheesh, good thing
it would have been SO PERFECT ??
well played, reddit
FunFact™ - I will sometimes hold a few words back in a comment otherwise in keeping
Censor the name or nah, but here. Shitpost away.
FunFact™ - a lot of the time these days it's not even an initial comment that was
"like a goat drowning in something viscous"
I kid, I kid. I'm sure it's just a meaningless coincidence that I'm batting a thousand
and so it goes
I'm torn between the slippers and the tea cozy
Somebody take this and go make a buttload of karma in a sub I'm most assuredly banned
I love my seven followers
hell hath no fury like a short guy on the internet
Fun Fact: sometimes I'll try to phrase something so clearly meant to be taken as
this is one of those "prefab response to something I get allllll the time"
42 words about reddit ?☺️?
Forty-two words regarding the phrase "dodging a bullet"
42 words about Qanon
"aaaaaand LOCKED lalalalalalaicanthearyoulalalala" ?‍♂️
and u and ur inbox?r like gg
I give up
r/oddlyspecificallymildlysatisfying: the comment scores ?‍??
the score is 2 - 368,942,477,458
logged in v logged out
shitpost, ignor pls
seriously I'm literally just using reddit as an image host, ignore this
Q & A
the worst part is I literally had an uncle we literally called Unc
how tf do I sticky a post
a gift
this is america
this is america
gonna be a weird four years
you're welcome ???
ahh, reddit
42 words about how "42" and "14" are totally different numbers
An off-topic but 100% contextually relevant response to literally everybody in my
Bonus FunFact™ - me making posts basically custom-made for, and that otherwise
Nazis can fuck off. It feels weird to have to keep saying this.