U Sphinx0207

The pulse of the gas thrusters on SpaceX's Falcon 9, as the rocket's boost stage
You could measure exact girth and girth gains, game changer in my opinion.
This explains the grind on a double start
When you need to bring down that tower for the scrap metal...
This building
Braiding a metal hose
Taking a cold piece of steel and workin’ it till it’s hot enough to light a match
Pilot landing a jet without landing gear
Green beret flying about
360 degree photo printed on a sphere
Kinetic sculpture that messes with your mind
River changing direction
Camera in a furniture screw
spacex boosters coming back on earth to be reused again
Casting mold for a wind turbine blade
Highest resolution image of Sun's surface
The Amazon River carries more water than the world’s next seven largest rivers
Quick draw knife throw
? close up of a humpback whale
Polishing a coin to perfection
Milky Way stabilized shows the Earth is spinning through space
Big waterfall
Difference between plain sawn, quarter sawn, and rift lumber
Robotic firefighter can withstand explosions while putting out fires
Surface tension pulls the thread into a perfect circle
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