U Vitrioleater

Who wants to come for a hike?
Fuck you
A left, a left, left right left right
Dude, where’s your car
Miss Bo
Different walks of life
Not the biggest Metallica fan but this is cool
People discovering perspectives
Muy bonito, mareas.
Dismounting like a boss
The “underbelly” of Jupiter that cannot be seen from Earth. Picture taken from
I know that ignorance is bliss...but there's gotta be a limit.
Lightness Perception Illusion
Did you want to get the front half or back half only moved?
Them sick people can't afford it
Morning dew falling.
Some combined clips of Jackie Chan doing his own shunts.
Jackie Chan’s parkour movements were incredibly smooth
Rachel Cook
It just give and give and give...
Two drivers, one truck
You need to stop being such a....... (wait for it).
Ha ha
Nice shot!
MRW someone asks what's wrong
How to do shadow puppets
Good tip
Very interesting
Kinetic sculpture of Franz Kafka in Prague
Is this a perfect [L]oop?
The paint on this fence
Fuck You In Particular
What could go wrong
Perfect Reflection