
Human rights, and other mistakes
Sweaty, you're too damaged for men. Just get a cat and make sure to treat it well
Old hags commiserate: where oh where are the men who will satisfy the trifecta of
Aaarrrrggghhh.....!!! Why does this keep happening to me?!?!?! I want something real,
Her 20's were messy, will her 30's be the best years of her life? Dear cysturhood,
"Dating is like a claw machine. The prize you want is the hardest to get, but
I'm the best looking one here. No Hookups--here are my tits.
Virtuous Christian girl is searching for a relationship using her Godly boobies.
35 year old single mom wants her soul mate to love her kid as his own.
If at first you don't succeed, then change your name and pretend the shitty attitude
Maybe because you’re an easy pump & dump?
[44-F] Karen asks where are the real men? She's done with liars and cheaters and
Post-wall mom of two doesn't want YOU to waste HER time while posting half-naked
"Every relationship I've been in I've gotten hurt." Now she has a kid and
Hopeless romantic single stay at home mom looking for her lifetime partner. Don't
Tattoos and Piercings all over, overweight, post wall, "great career" as
So. many. red. flags: 38 year old "canine beautician" who "constantly
Tatted tramp tethered to a toddler but still searching for Chad.
" I’m not on here for “fun” I want to find a decent guy! "
[42-F] Post wall ex-pat wants to start a family, if you're chad, awesome, if you
Twitter is filled with tweets like these.
Unemployed & married but soon to be divorced mom of five (5) boys believes
Hideous swine is upfront with her demands
35y old single mom is done with "dramas" after "nice times" (if
Uh oh. How do I square this round peg. The men to whom I'm sexually attracted are
Step right up, kings. This single momma is looking for one of YOU to support her!
36F is going insane from covid lockdowns. She almost had a man in the fall... almost....
Overweight 35 year old wants marriage, babies, commitment and of course some "bling"
Feeling left out after seeing everyone else's (self marriage) rings, she decided
40's slut is torn between respect and cock. She LUUUUVS sex, but she wants pillow
When you waste away your fertility window being a stryng indypyndynt awymyns ???
Please shed a tear for this sad and lonely wymyns who's about to turn 30 and still
WAATGM in the making: Obese SAHM afraid her hubby is going to discover she plans
Independent woman ☑️ 33 ☑️ got kid(s) ☑️ single 5 years ☑️ not just
The bigger the "queen" the better she is, right?
Not skinny - [✓] Old - [✓] No career listed - [✓] Offers nothing - [✓] Has
[44-F] queen will not accept coffees for a first date, you must prepare a date worth
[F4M] 50, post-wall with drinking problem and sketchy employment wants to be your
I always fall for the wrong guys and I've never felt attracted to the more introverted
Dear men, when a girl interacts with you, she's pursuing her own self interest. You
So much to unpack here. She loves him, but he has to make the effort because she's