
My turtle is a little bit derpy.
TBC attunements flowchart
He forgot
I can't remember what I did to make him so angry (nsfw language)
Holy DKs Batman! Just your average Ordos group
Building a transmog set for my rogue using wowhead when all of a sudden...
I repainted some gear to be completely impractical...and sexy..
There was an unfortunate error with my Armoury app...
One of these is not like the other.
[Spoiler](/s) Priest Artifact scenario
Dalaran Pet Tournament in Legion
[Legion] Starcraft easter egg found in Demo lock artifact scenario
I don't want to receive you.
Newest Legion Alpha Build Nerfs Treasure Hunter Trait.
[Spoiler] New Four Horsemen you say? Well, I have just the man for the job.
First look at Cenarius and Corrupted Moonglade in the Emerald Nightmare
Rank 1 -> Rank 2 cuts the required amount of materials by HALF in Legion crafting
[spoiler] Order hall upgrades
[Minor Spoilers] Engineering Goggle (Headgun) Models are in!
Broken Isles Pathfinder part 1 in today's build gives faster mount speed
Crafting Ranks Not Only Reduce Materials, but removes some?!
[Beta] Something I noticed going through Marksman hunter on beta as a Male Draenei.
Warcraft Movie CGI actors' faces in a single poster [Spoilers]
Familiar names in the Legion Beta (Xpost)
Found a familiar orc in Legion.
[Legion Beta]RIP Weapon Spellpower 2004-2016
[Spoiler] Scarlet Transmogs at Darkmoon Fair on Beta.
This is by far the most disturbing Coin of Many Faces transformation I've ever gotten..
You've got transmog, but I present to you: gimpmog
Spoilers: Part One Complete
(Spoilers) Thoroughly enjoyed the Shaman order hall quest chain
When you let her get her talons dirty.
Dat Ass tho!
I really liked the scene where Sylvanas' face becomes all spooky and evil
I gave Night Elves regular eyes
Why I'm playing on Whitemane:
[NSFW - ish] Belf Color Study with new Body Jewelry - by me
Night Elf Druid Cosplay by Narga-Lifestream
When a Kyrian NPC says "I will fly you there, Maw Walker!"
Queen Azshara Cosplay by KatyaKeller
5am on the PTR